Question asked by MC
Hi Pastors,
I have an embarrasing question to ask. While I was doing prostation today, my kids were making a lot of noise and in a fit of anger, I had excused myself from the 3 jewels, got up and yelled at my kids, then I went back to resume my prostation. Obviously I realize that what I have done was not good. I have heard Rinpoche say in the past that if we leave the session halfway then the prostation does not count. I started doing prostrations since February, does this mean that I have voided my prostations and need to start from the beginnig. I am angry with my self now but I realize that the damage has been done already. It is so hard sometimes to focus and stay in a meditative state with so much going on around me. I guess these are obstacles to overcome? I don't know. I appreciate any advice you can give me.
With deepest regret,
Hi MC, if one breaks a particular session, you just re start again the particular day’s session and continue without break. Important thing is to ensure you do what you have committed daily.
You can combine prostrations with 35 confessional buddha recitation if you have acted negatively to purify that karma.