Question asked by Natalie
Hi Pastors
Thank you for answering my previous question. I was just reading Rinpoche's blog post on Tsongkhapa retreat and noted we should avoid garlic, onion egg, meat, which I have previously read before but hadn't heard of no dairy which I previously read were considered 'white' foods and encouraged. I was wondering what the reasons for this, whether they be ethical (ie the cows feel pain when separated from their calf and milked to the point of exhaustion on many commercial farms) or from scriptures ( sutras, tantras)? Does the Buddha encourage a vegan diet in any of his teachings? Thank you.
Hi Natalie,
Nutrition or what we eat whether its vege or meat is not Buddhism.But our awareness of the source of our food and whether others have to suffer due to our choice is important for a Buddhist in his journey to enlightenment.
Do watch the excellent video ‘ Earthlings’ and the pros and cons of going vege and eating meat to check if it will help you understand this issue better.