Question asked by jason
i don't know if this is a good omen but i had a dream today about everyone i know my mother my father my family , friends, enemies and i all became sangha memebers at this very beautiful buddhist monastery the karmapa , panchen lama dalai lama ect were all there teaching and everyone was either in debate or studying . What does this dream mean?
Dear Jason
Due to our karmic condition, how we perceive situations during our waking hours makes up our reality. What we experience as reality may not truly be the truth due to our delusions. Same goes, when we are asleep and when we dream… thus, it’s call a dream. For us who are not attained, a dream is just a dream.
It is a very beautiful dream though as what better dream (be it awake or asleep) one can have other than using our lives dedicated to practicing the path.
Use each day to focus on studying the dharma, contemplate, use your life for virtuous deeds.