Question asked by Anthony
Dear Pastor,
In the course of attending teachings, and other Buddhist events I have gather some pictures of the Buddhas, Buddhist teaching texts and related materials. How do I dispose of such material that I do not require any more. I feel it is not right just to throw them away.
Can I do any of the following:
1) Burn them away ?
2) Put them in a box and leave it at a temple with a donation so that the temple could dispose of it for me in an appropriate way. ?
Any other suggestions ?
Your advise please.
Hi Anthony,
If one has received initiation ( say, lower tantric dieties like manjushri or quan yin ),one can generate as the personal yidam and visualize the particular deity or buddha’s body , speech and mind from the texts or printed materials in the aspect of Om Ah Hum dissolve into oneself the crown of our head.The texts are thus ‘ de consecrated’ and are just ordinary paper materials which one can burn away.
The 2nd option is also ok but it could pose practical problems for temples if everyone does that.
One other option is pass the materials to friends so they can connect with the Buddha and teachings.