Extremely Interesting!!
I understand from years of reading, documentaries and input from various academic minds many things we are taught to believe are the accepted mainstream science theories for the moment. But as scientists discover more, find clear evidence that differs from mainstream beliefs, our views can change. It should change. It is growth to change.
Well I watched this video documentary which is really well made and it is very interesting in that there is so much suppressed evidence that differ from mainstream science theories of today. The origin of humans, Darwin could have been wrong, Antarctica being a thriving place to live once long ago, human culture is not 4,500 years but it could be 12,000 years ago, etc are compelling subjects dealt with here. I find it extremely fascinating many scientists would ‘suppress’ the truth that new evidence show counter to mainstream ideas.
What is the big deal if newer evidence usurps older views that may advance our knowledge. Who loses? No one in the end. Wrong theories is subjective to evidence found at a particular time, but advancement is as better word to use when we find new theories that counter outdated ones. Why don’t we advance with knowledge instead being stuck with a view we find ‘comfortable’ with? Please watch this video and share with me what stuck out for you.
I quote from the description of this video:
“The creators of the Emmy Award Winning Mystery of the Sphinx present a revolutionary new film that examines one of our greatest mysteries: Man’s origins. Hosted by Charlton Heston, this film challenges what we are being taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization. A new breed of scientific investigators present startling evidence that the academic community has quietly ignored. “
Why do you think scientists ignore newer facts that state differently than accepted mainstream norms?
Why would some be afraid of updating knowledge that can broaden our minds and understanding of ourselves?
Is the truth something so frightening that to live in inaccuracies is better?
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
This video on THE MYSTERY OF THE SPHINX further supports that dating of many archaelogical sites are much older supporting the other video on this post’s theory. Sphinx and pyramids are traditionally believed to be known as 4,000 years old or so. But in fact much older according to startlingly obvious evidence recently uncovered. In fact double the age or more. That would mean the accepted view on the age of human civilization is much older. Many books have to be re-written. Many accepted scientific view would have to change.
Please watch carefully:
Or view the video on the server at:
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Good and nice video.There’s so much mystery in this world that humankind doesn’t understand or unclear yet, and new evidence are continue being unearthed and throw our concepts of what was and what is away.
What i take away from these documentaries is that we need to have an open mind to what we thought was previously unassailable. Thank very much for sharing this videos
The origin of mankind ,iconic and mysterious, archaeologist, and researchers has captured the attention of people for centuries. Woa… modern man has been in existence much longer than we realise….. 250,000 years ago. Over the past centuries, researchers have been finding bones and artifacts indicating that humans existed on earth millions of years ago. More evidence suggesting that modern man did not evolve from ape man, but instead has co-existed with apes for millions of years. Interesting discoveries.
Thank you Rinpoche for this amazing sharing.
Interesting watching these two videos and got to see and understand that it showed us evidence the existing of how human was transformed millions of years ago.The possibility of linking humans with earlier apes by descent became clear only after 1859. The evidence on which scientific accounts of human evolution are based comes from many fields of natural science. The main source of knowledge about the evolutionary process has traditionally been the fossil record .The scientist discovered the closest living relatives of humans are chimpanzees and gorilla. Interesting find.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing
The videos were done very well. Clear narration, presented good evidence and used speakers who didn’t look like crazed, loopy people…
“What is the big deal if newer evidence usurps older views that may advance our knowledge. Who loses? No one in the end.” – oh I REALLY liked reading this, it made total sense to me. It was like the establishment that rejected Galileo’s discoveries about the way our solar system works. If they hadn’t rejected his findings, who knows how much further along we would now be in terms of scientific discoveries? Who knows how many years we were set back because they didn’t want to accept what he discovered?
Why DO we reject feedback and new information, just because it may shake up our old paradigms? I like what Dr Richard Thompson said in the first video, that we have a knowledge filter. We don’t need to be scientists to experience this; we can see this filter in action on a day-to-day basis. We easily accept information that matches what we know and think, and reject information that doesn’t because it’s easier for our ego to do so.
Even when we are actively searching for information, we look for data that matches or reinforces what we already know. For example, when a girl has a crush on a boy, she will create an image of him in her mind then look for information which matches. If she perceives him as nice and kind, when she sees him shopping with his mother, she will assume he’s family-oriented and a nice boy (when maybe, that’s not the case at all and he was forced to accompany mum). If he displays behaviour showing he’s not happy to be there, she’ll excuse it by saying, “Oh he’s probably just having a bad day.”
So we always want to find information that supports what we know, but that behaviour isn’t the path or method to success. Like what Rinpoche always says to us, never be afraid to admit we are wrong. It might sting at the beginning knowing we made a mistake but if we are result-oriented and we want to be a success, then feedback is always welcome. No one loses when we are wrong. The most successful people are always the ones who are questioning and curious, and not afraid to admit they are wrong and to look for a solution or answer to it.
Of course you can argue that the scientists were looking at the evidence (for example the fossilised finger) and applying THEIR own knowledge filter – they were looking at the evidence to see what they wanted to see, and that the fossilised finger could just be a cleverly eroded rock. But the evidence isn’t being found independent one of another but rather, side by side and it’s not one piece of evidence found in isolation, but a whole mass of evidence being discovered all over the world, dating to different periods in history.
So to dismiss the findings presented by these scientists, anthropologists and archaelogists means we run the risk of repeating the same mistakes made by people who rejected Galileo’s findings. It cannot be that these ancient people dreamt up such elaborate hoaxes, thinking, “Oh yes, in the future, someone will come along and it’ll totally confuse them!” You’re talking about ancient civilisations whose entire existences were so vulnerable to famine, disease, migration, climate change – did they REALLY have the time to engage in such elaborate schemes for their own entertainment?
Who would dig so deep into the ground, and struggle to move carved blocks of megatonne rocks (like in Easter Island) just for their own entertainment? Or transport red granite down a mountain and up another, five miles away? Or build temples with such precision in the construction? To do things on such a large scale, that would’ve expended so much energy would have required a very significant reason.
I think it’s important for people to be open-minded to such theories because if we examine the situation, our experience shows that history can always be changed and updated. If Java Man was accepted, then later found to be inaccurate, why can’t what we know about the origins of man be inaccurate, and ready for an update? Isn’t it possible for man to have existed alongside dinosaurs? It’s not possible according to the science NOW, but what if what we know isn’t correct and isn’t the truth? What if we shift our knowledge just a little, to make room to consider the possibility this new evidence may be true?
The other thing I also thought about when watching the videos is, these ancient civilisations went through so much. They were people just like us, and struggled, fought, loved, studied, shopped, ate, slept. And now everything they put so much effort into is reduced to near-rubble, left behind for archaeologists and scientists to pore over. What are we doing now that we place so much importance on, that will be forgotten in the years to come?
I always enjoy the videos that Rinpoche has posted in the blog. It is always so interesting and also knowledgable. It is really nice that see and understand how things like this is like. I really enjoyed this video, and definitely would love others to view it as well!
This clearly illustrates to me how something that was once perceived to be set in stone could be “altered” and changed in time. Was it the perception or the discovery wrong? I do not believe it was… it was “accurate” at the time given the relevant information.
Hence it is safe to deduce that in samsara not all is what it seems and that we should take the absolute truths like Karma and Reincarnations as our foundations and leave the rest of the hypothesis aside… because it is only a matter of time before we “discover” its “truth” and it by that time it may be too late!
I believe that people do not always want to accept new discoveries are those that do not wish to go beyond their comfort zones, concept and belief that they are wrong. It all boils down to fear really… fear of the unknown, fear of being wrong, fear of looking like fools and fear of losing some kind of power over their own insecurities. But in fact denying the truth or new information that could perhaps help should be more frightening, no?
Well there is always a balance, there are those who wish not to know beyond what they’ve been taught, these are people who will not progress very far, and there are those who will always seek and stretch their limits… they shape the future. They are the ones who will create such documentaries and share with the world. Whether or not we wish to accept it or not is also up to us. The capacity of our mind is set by our own self inflicted limitations, hence there are less and less attained beings these days as compared to the past.
These videos are so interesting. It challenges what we thought was correct in history and science. There’s so much mystery in this world that humankind doesn’t understand or unclear yet, and new evidence are continue being unearthed and throw our concepts of what was and what is away. Like the Earth was once thought flat, but science has proved otherwise. Likewise, we don’t know how the pyramids and Sphinx was made, by whom and when. Speculations of extra-terrestrial beings and their technology made them has been around for a long while. It could have been. We may not know the definite answer now, but maybe one day we might be.
Having watched the videos, I think it must have been quite unsettling for a few prominent scientists when they found out that the human kind and civilization may have existed far before many reason it to be. How could the Egyptians have built the Sphinx with slabs of stones and precision that even with the “current” technologies, human kind has to struggle and find it quite an impossible feat to pull off? This leads to questions like, were the technologies then much more advanced than what we have now? If yes, then what happened to that technology? How was it lost? What happened to have caused the “break”, in between where nobody could really come out with a logical explanation how and when the Sphinx or Tihuanacu (Tiwanaku) was built? The Tihuanacu was thought to be 2000 years old until a Bolivian scholar named Arthur Posnansky who spent 50 years to study Tihuanacu using the science of astronomy and concluded the Tihuanacu may have been around for as long as 17,000 years! Even though the accuracy of Posnansky’s measurements was confirmed by engineers, his conclusion about the age of Tihuanacu was not accepted.
I think that the reason some are afraid of updating new discoveries and knowledge is because these findings will prove many things which the human kind thought to be true all wrong and many questions will arise and no logical answers that can explain what actually happened. I think that’s why many chose to block information and new findings because it challenges and debunks many earlier findings and will prove many earlier theories to be wrong. Either that or they are waiting to discover more facts to back up the findings. Are we actually re-discovering and re-learning what we thought is the most advanced and latest technologies, when in fact it could have existed far before what we think to be the earliest human civilization? I find the videos truly interesting and it leads one to think what really happened during that period of time, and what could have caused the break in between where no one can explain? Hopefully the modern scientist will one day find an answer to all these questions and make it public.
I would also like to share here a few other interesting videos I searched and watched on youtube after watching the two videos above.
These 2 videos really blew my mind! We’ve always been told that modern man existed around 10,000 years ago. But now they even find the existence of modern man around 250,000 years ago! This is mind boggling. If this is true, modern man is a species of its own and not an evolution from the apes as theorized by Darwin.
The 2nd video on the Sphinx is also jaw dropping as it showed how technologically advanced the Egyptians were 9000 years ago! Even with our current technology, it would be a huge challenge to construct the Sphinx. What’s also interesting is that they proved that the Sphinx’s head was not a carving of the Pharaoh Kafre.
Looks like modern man has been in existence much longer than we realise. The technology they had must have been lost throughout these years. Either the technology was invented by them or introduced by aliens. Whatever it may be, it’s all part of samsara.
There is much evidence to postulate that the pyramids were probably built much much earlier than how the modern scientists /egyptologists have put it at. Geologists I find them having a very long view of time and a lot of their assumptions and facts they have elucidated makes a lot of sense.
Very very interesting video documentary indeed!
More and more evidences been found (and i feel concrete ones) to challenge the current theories which is also the mainstream beliefs.
I feel that whatever new evidences been uncovered and revealed should be accepted by all scientists and put to debate in order to find the truth rather than just kept believing to the former theories and keep denying the genuine of new evidences which proves the origins of civilizations in Eygpt and any parts of world.
It seems to me that the scientists who believes in mainstream beliefs (especially on the issue of Sphinx’s age) is holding onto their ego. New uncovered evidences proofing Darwinian theories were wrong and inaccurate. They instead should help the scientists and join hands together to find the truth.
Well at least this video really challenged the idea of “God” created Adam and Eve as the very first human beings of the world.
I love these video(s) because they present a rather revolutionary tale of the origins of the most iconic structures from ancient Egypt – the Sphinx. I find the evidence a little circumstantial but not impossible.
I believe with future findings, more evidence will crop up that will support the Atlantian theory. I love the fact that our civilization and our race were possibly the result a massive experiment thousands of years ago. Whatever it is, current and future findings seem to be continually redefining the origins of our human race. I love such documentaries because they open our horizons of our daily toils to something bigger and higher.
I am not surprised that these theories were met with skepticism because man has always feared the unknown and of new knowledge that would undermine our current beliefs. I believe that one day, the Atlantian theory would be proven and this might answer once and for all whether we are here alone in the universe.
Hollywood has made the origin of sphinx relation to the face on Mars into a science fiction movie to explain the origin of man. It’s called “Mission to Mars” released in 1996.
I have never really been a believer of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution but for discussion purposes I would like to use Buddhism to agree with Darwin’s theory (if that’s possible). Perhaps at one time I did wonder about the origins of man but for a long while now I have found this to be of less interest than the mysterious origins of our mind. Science explore the origins of man in the physical form, searching for historical evidence of the physical link to the human form we are in today.
Personally for me, whether we have been in this physical human form or in the form of an ape or a single cell microorganism, I ponder more on what is in my mind/consciousness. In Buddhism, there are 6 realms and we can be reborn in any of those realms. I wonder how I think, what is in my mind when I am an ant or bee or rat, etc? All species exhibit some form of intelligence, a mechanism to adapt and survive in the environment created within this universe. Traces of human “intelligence” seems to be used as a basis of the origins of man.
Is it not possible that Darwin is not wrong and our mind have previously only been manifested as single cell organism or other species?
Perhaps it is over eons of existence, only then did our mind attained the “wisdom” to be manifested into the form of “intelligent” human as we know today?
What impressed me most about these videos is the lifelong study and research that these individuals engaged in to prove a theory or to simply find out more about the way our world works. They may very well have failed, or not found out anything or in the case of some scientists, been just about banned by the scientified community from continuing their research. But they still keep on trying, finding other ways. I think it’s quite fascinating that someone could spend years just studying the patterns of erosion on the sphinx – if not for this discovery, I imagine this would be numbingly dull! Turns out that this most mundane fact – the different between wind erosion and rain erosion – opened up an entire new historical possibility. That’s pretty amazing.
It does baffle me that people would be so quick to dismiss new theories. I supposed the scientific or historical authorities would try to dismiss, disprove or suppress these new theories, it would mean all of their own life’s work would be nullified. It would literally mean rewriting an entire system of belief (or several systems) and cancelling out years and millions of dollars of funding worth of research. Governments would probably not want to support this because it could either cause a kind of panic among the people, or necessitate an extremely large amount of funding.
Another aspect I have found quite fascinating (not just in this documentary but in several others I have seen before) is the phenomena of extremely large and heavy monuments being built way before any of our modern-day technologies were available. It’s baffling to consider what kind of technologies they might have used back them to live rocks and structures that were hundreds of tonnes. Further, these structures seem to stand the test of time and hold up far longer than any of our modern day buildings. So are we really progressing and is our technology really become more advanced? Or are we actually regressing and just making things more complicated than they need to be?
What i found interesting about these two videos is that the history of humankind is much more complex than mainstream historians and anthropologists would have us believe. People are generally resistant to change and anything that challenges mainstream thought. From the time when people believed the world was flat to those who believed the creationist theory, all those who proposed a different possibility was criticised and ridiculed and even persecuted for heresy. Up until today, there are people who still believe that humankind was created by God in the shape of Adam and Eve.
Even the evolutionist theory of Charles Darwin which is generally accepted is now being challenged here by Richard Milton, who says that Darwinian theory was simply the theories of one set of researchers and that there are other theories out there. Is humankind of the same physical make up as modern man much older than previously believed? Darwinian theory was actually never conclusively proven as there was a missing link between the apes and humans. Lucy is not it.
I don’t think that it’s a deliberate conspiracy theory to hide information which contradicts popular belief, but i do think that people prefer to remain in their mental comfort zone rather than think that what they have believed in for years could be wrong. Whether evidence such as the footprints in Texas which were found in the limestone is a hoax or not, i think that we should be open to these new findings which would give us more in depth information
What happened to the ancient civilisations, where they built incredible buildings with what was believed to be primitive tools? How could they have built these structures all those years ago? And how come we, with all the technology at our feet today, are unable to figure out how they did it and how to replicate it.
What i take away from these documentaries is that we need to have an open mind to what we thought was previously unassailable. Surely it is more important to progress and know truth rather than stay in the comfort of inaccurate or false information.
The Sphinx has been rebuilt and repaired a few times along thousands of years to preserve the structure. It was mentioned that the city was actually covered by sands and when people found it and they cleared the sand and then built the new wall to support the old structure. They said the face of the lion head is actually a black African. That means this city has been lost and found a few times before. But who build it and who repair it, no one knows? What has it got to do with the lion?
I think I can relate this with Enlighten beings, Karma and Reincarnation. These people who built the Sphinx could have super natural power just like enlightened beings. It could be a temple, a Buddha Mandala. When everybody got enlightened, they left to Nirvana. It looked like it was abandoned, but it was not. Then a few thousand years later they decided to be reincarnated back to the same place to safe the sentient being here. Hence they rebuilt this place again with their super natural power. The body that preserved was actually belongs to the highest yogi at that time. Holy body does not rot.
History would have to be changed with the discovery on new facts that civilization existed way before what was known before. However, people could not accept it because their perspective would have to be changed and they are unwilling to do so. They rather be ok with the existing situation so as not to “rock the boat” and upset the believe system. In a nut shell, people does not like to be challenged.
What is the point of research if people wold not want to advance? I like the idea that man existed long before the apes and we are not apes. The fact that many discoveries were made, we cannot hide the fact and must do something with our history/science books!
The documentary of the Sphinx is extremely interesting because never have I thought that the Sphinx was built way before the pyramids (9000 years ago). This is totally mind blowing because no one could figure out how the pyramids were built let alone the Sphinx which is double the age of the pyramids. Where does the technology comes from? Are there aliens who came to help?
I spent the whole of last night viewing these two videos and much time in contemplating how wonderful that scientists can discover new facts which erases all the established norms of what our origins are.
I never liked the fact that we came from apes, and these new finds give me the chance to think that I and all human beings existed as we are and what we are now could have been what we were millions of years ago. To me this is the going over and over the same vicious cycle of life. We life to the ultimate brilliance and the same brilliance destroys us and we start all over again.
A great similarity to the vicious cycle of samsara.
According to the videos human beings as far back as 250,000 years could be doing exactly what we are doing now advancing in technology.
It is not possible for some historians and scientists to accept new findings because there is too much to be proved and to much relearning. So much to say about being in comfort zones even among such illustrious people like these world renowned scientists and keepers of our history.
As a Buddhist, the new findings resonates better with me, as it talks about our countless previous lives and many more to come. Of course depending of what we do with this life what we came back will be in any other different forms.
Rinpoche always post videos which are SUPERBLY INTERESTING. The earlier posting about Ancient Aliens has caused me to watch all the available episodes and i will re-watch them from time to time and discuss some of the important facts they mention in the movie. This two video is going to be interesting just by reading the title. Not forgetting the Big Foot video series and Rinpoche posted was super great as well. Let me load up this video and learn something about it so that i can share and discuss it with my friends