Question asked by Allan Leong
Dear Pastors, Be kind enough to disentangle the Gordon Knot below
All acquired assumption aside, Prince Siddhārtha Gautama, in accordance to scriptural text, has been reported to have pointed out: "Yo kho Vakkali dhammaṃ passati so maṃ passati" O Vakkali, whoever sees the Dharma, sees me [the Buddha]. Appearing twice in that statement was only the word “SEE’ with no explicit or implied indication of other needful. Dharma is the Sankit descriptive term for ‘the true nature of things as they are’ or ‘reality as it is’. Have the actual goings-on, by whatever quarter so interpreting, since the time passage after that particular specific statement, with their invented systemized approaches been in harmony with what Gautama had pointed out or could there be a contradictory divergence or a fall-out from that clarion call Gautama had made. Is ‘seeing’ the end result of and being brought about by any cultivation or practice? Could it be that freedom is the seeing of the reality of what is as what is – where interfering and intervening obstacles, hindrances, blockages, the in-between images (the products of thought) are not? Will any reactive response of crystallized thought of the known ever lead to that field of the unknown where thought cannot enter? Can disorder brings about order?
Another observable aspect of life is the ongoing contradiction and the perpetuation of it, the more of the same. While most ascribed that human beings are the crowns of creation, their very behavior may betray that the existing human condition is more inclined towards a cosmic joke – a divisive contradictory contradiction contradicting itself. Is not a sammāsambuddha one who finds out for himself. Or it refers to the finding out through another, a mandatory cannot do-without dependence on any established channel and media of whatever kind, the emerged competitive intermediary, each holding fast to their proclaimed purported superiority, the Showers of the Way or the mysterious Key that unlock the door to the Eternal, the Immeasurable. It has and is it not still happening in the marketplace? On one breath we profess to what is construed as of eternal value but the next breath we trample on, mutilating and corrupting its every essence which brings to mind “What man touches, man destroy.”
May the blessings be.
With regards and have a nice day.
Dear Allan
The pastors corner is not meant to demystify or detangle any Gordon Knot and we do not claim to know the many sutras out there nor is qualified to shed light on such sutras. What we are able is to share Rinpoche’s teachings and teachings directly relate to our lineage.
We request that you search for such answers from another platform.
wishing you well