Question asked by kailash
Hello Sir / Madam. I hope Ven Rinpoche or any of the Ven. Pastors could sometime post an elaborate description of Vase meditation (breathing technique,General Type not the Tantrik one), using charts/descriptions to show the channels and their meeting points, movement of breath downwords and upwards etc,. As I could not follow the same from the discourse on 'Vajrasattva Purification and prostration'..Rinpoche mentioned in that discourse that this is a very very powerful technique.Hence I think, if it is explained in detailed it may be of benefit to many.
Kailash, do you live here in the PJ area? I would be happy to welcome you and show you the technique. My apologies that we do not have charts at the moment but will certainly provide on this blog when we have. Do leave your email address here and i’ll keep it in my records.