Question asked by chanablue
With due respect, I have an issue with the Buddhist concept of karma coz humans only existed on earth for approximately 200,000 years. Yet, Buddhism (at least Tibetan Buddhism) states that our karma was from eons before. Sure, humans could have created the karma in other living forms before they became humans, but how do you relate that to the concept of precious human rebirth when relative to the age and life on earth, human existence is only a fraction of the timeline. Who started the original sin to have the karma snowballed until today? Thank you
We were taught that the earth was flat..that there was and end to it and we will fall off the edge of the earth..until much later on. Does the source of the water comes from the mountain top and ends at the river bank? We no that is not the case as what we cannot see such as precipitation makes up the cycle. the earth is round, planets goes round in orbits,… but we are all very curious how it started. Perhaps we need to reconsider instead why we think there is a beginning… With that said, I do not have the answer for you as who is to be blamed or is the culprit other than what Buddhism teaches us that we had a hand in it. Therefore, we learn about the laws and patterns which Buddha taught. Buddha saw all the interrelated factors that got us to where we are and also how to get us out of the cycle. And we are taught that if we walk the path, we will also come to know it all but most importantly, to be free from the cycle. My apologies that may not be able to provide you with a satisfactory answer right now.
Just thought you might enjoy watching this thought provoking video by world renown Steven Hawking on Existence