Question asked by arica lim
hi i read how Rinpoche survived well on us50 monthly from a kind sponser and i read how many other lamas do not have sponser in India Gaden monastery, i want to sponser one practising lama there but i do not know how to go about doing it. Can Rinpoche list out the numbers of lamas that need individual sponsership and the address that i or others can send money to ? Thanks
Hi Arica Lim,
Is very kind of you willing to sponsor a monk per-month at Gaden monastery.However we are always raise fund to help monks at monastery. This is the on going project.
Monks are need to sponsor approximately about 8oo person. Sorry we can’t list out all their name and their individual address for each monk and most of them can’t communicate with the foreign language. How you understand the situation here.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Sharon Saw at or tel: 012 489 4891.(Malaysia cell phone number)
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