King Milindu (Menander I) & Arahanth Nagasena (Part 5)
From TheBuddhism.Net
King Milindu continued with his 5th major question…
Venerable Sir, if this incarnation (“nama rupa” / phsycological & physical elements of the human person) does notrelocate, how could it be born in another place?
Dear King, consider a person kindling a lamp from another lamp; the light from the second lamp does not emerge from the first. Consider learning something from a teacher; but, that thing doesn’t materialize from the teacher. Similarly, this incarnation does not relocate, but would be born in another place.
Venerable Sir, people do meritorious and sinful deeds mentally and physically. Where do all these merits and sins are located?
Dear King, the merits & sins done by a person follows him like his shadow. Consider a fruitless tree. We cannot show where the fruits would be. Similarly, we cannot say where the merits and demerits are.
Venerable Sir, if a person has a rebirth, does he know that he would be reborn?
Yes dear king. If a person has a rebirth, he knows that he would be reborn; just like a farmer who knows that he would get a good harvest because of the fitting weather and the accurate methods he used for farming.
Venerable Sir, does our great Buddha exist?
Yes dear king. Our great Buddha exists.
Venerable Sir, if so, could you please show where he is?
Dear king, physically our Great Buddha has attained Nirvana. Therefore, cannot show where he is in the flesh. But the body of his teachings (the great dharma) is still alive in the world. Therefore, can say that our great Buddha exists in the world.
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Another good set of questions by King Milindu