Question asked by ronron
Dear Pastors,
I have 2 questions on 2mantras that Zi need clarification.
1) the blessing of the meat mantra, Om Abira Khe Tsara Hung. I read it somewhere that only those who have received initiation can recite this mantra. Is this true?
2) the mantra Om Ah Hum…what is the significance and usage of this mantra? If I drop my mala or something considered holy on the floor can I recite this mantra to cleanse it?
Thank you again.
Dear ronron,
The mantra for blessing the meat is for purifying the fault of eating meat and blesses the sentient being whose flesh you are eating to have a good rebirth. As far as I know it is a general mantra.
Om Ah Hum represents the body, speech and mind of the Buddhas. When we make offerings, for example, serkym, torma, sensory offerings etc., we can bless the offerings by reciting this mantra.
When you drop something holy on the floor, clean it and purify it with incense.