Question asked by Delsanto
Dear Pastor
I have read so much about the Yellow Dzambala and wonder whether there is any opening verse that one has to say before the start of the chant as well as the closing to this mantra. I am facing financial blockages in business and collections and wonder what I can do further to improve my financial standings at this moment.
Sometimes I can feel that I am very close to closing a big deal and suddenly it will just slow down for months. Is there a mantra which I can chant for this?
Dear Delsanto,
I’m very sorry to hear about your financial problems. Unfortunately, chanting mantras alone cannot help one to overcome financial difficulties. All problems are the result of causes created in this life or in past lives. If you have financial blockages, you are experiencing obstacles due to causes and conditions. The Buddha said that to overcome past evil karma, we have to do a lot of good deeds now. A lot of good karma will dilute the effect of the bad karma. The Buddha also said that we have to walk the path that brings us to what we want. This means that if we want wealth, then we must not be miserly. According to H.E. Tsem Rinpoche, there are two types of miserliness: (1) mental or emotional miserliness and (2) physical miserliness. Misers remain poor because their attachment to money is very strong. People who live for money suffer.
The Practice of the Single Yellow Dzambala helps us to extricate ourselves from emotional and physical miserliness. According to H.E.Tsem Rinpoche, in this practice, we meditate on the ills of miserliness, greed and selfishness. We think about the consequences of only taking, not giving, and not sharing. This is called outer miserliness. Inner miserliness is never giving one’s attention to others, and not being patient with others. We meditate on this strongly and we say, “I’m not going to do it again”. Show your care to others, listen, talk and be genuinely affectionate. Learn to give of your time, attention and care. Regret your miserliness. Face yourself and say “I’ll purify the karma that has not allowed me to be materially and spiritually wealthy.” The benefits of Dzambala’s practice are: (1) we will have material wealth; (2)we will have spiritual wealth.
I hope I have answered your question. Instead of chanting a mantra for wealth, and hoping all your problems will go away, try meditating on the disadvantages of self-cherishing and the advantages of cherishing others.