Question asked by Gyaltsen
Dear Rinpoche, I have been so lucky to have taken teachings and empowerment from HE Chodon Rinpoche. These teachings were on calm abiding and vipassana, Herruka Empowerment and teachings on the 6 yogas of Naropa. It was such an amazing experience, and I learnt so much from these teachings. The only thing is now, I don't know what to do with them and how I should go forward to put these teachings into practice. I have try very hard to make sure I keep my vow and commitments pure, but I know that is not enough and I want enlightenment. Can you please help? What is my next step?
Dear Gyeltsen,
I have a question for you please. Since you took all these teachings (very precious), how come you didn’t ask Choden Rinpoche or the organizing centre what you do with these now and how to start?
If you have learned so much from these (I have no doubt you have), how come you were not taught HOW TO START OR YOU DIDN’T ASK HOW TO START? That’s very rudimentary to know how to start.
When we received teachings/empowerments in Los Angeles from His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, the centre explained how to start. Where to start and what to do so we were not in any doubt. It is important the centre organizing such great teachings also perhaps follow through to make sure the participants know what they are getting and what they need to do.
I am asking you this not to find fault, but trying to understand better before I give detailed advice. I don’t want to override anyone with my advice.
For now:
1. Do your Heruka short Sadhana daily without a miss. You can do the Three Purifications as it’s translated into English. Ask your dharma centre for it.
What Tradition of Heruka did you receive? Luipa? Ghantapa? Was it 62 deity Heruka? I need to know specifically which Heruka and tradition also. Again before and after initiation it will be clearly mentioned by the lama so the centre should know.
2. You can do short breath (vispassana) meditation daily for around 10 mins also along with the short Heruka sadhana.
This is what I can advise from the short ‘explanation’ you gave here.
Good luck. Tsem Rinpoche