Question asked by Martin B
Hello dear Pastors ! Congratulations to the new ones !
I'd like to propose one thing which I think could be very attractive to the audience. You could create a section called:
"Ask a Pastor on Skype" with live chat cam option. You could establish something like timetable – in example: Every Monday at 1 to 3 pm (Malaysian time) a Pastor will be on-line in Skype to answer your questions or eventually help resolve some problem.
I'll be glad to know what do you think of my proposal.
Thank you very much in advance and best regards,
Dear Martin,I’ll answer in between your quesions broken down below. Take a look please.
Dear Rinpoche, what happens to a possessed person in the afterlife if he/she is not cured by a lama before the death ?
A person in the afterlife may not be directly affected by their immediate current life. For example, he may be possessed, but at the time of death, another karma may open and they take a good rebirth. Or they can take a bad rebirth. Nothing is fixed because we have collected karma that is very strong stored, dormant and ready to open from many other lifetimes also beckoning to manifest. I wrote a small book on magic and the like. You can obtain it online or kechara paradise outlets. It will help you.
How exactly he/she will suffer than? With pain? With delusions?
Any negative karma will lead to sufferings. That is a given for everyone possessed or not. Whether a person is possessed or not at the time of death makes a difference but not the only difference and certainly not the only criteria. Karma makes no exceptions for anyone. So we have to see their thoughts, actions and thinking at death to get a clue where they are going next….Also how they lived this life in general.
For how long?
No determined time. For the length of next rebirths, it will be different for everyone in every life.
There are many people who don’t believe that possession exist and they can die without being exorcised at all so I want to know can we help them with prayers ?
You can get the book I wrote in which I talk clearly what one can will be very helpful to you. For now Singdongma, Black Manjushri or Setrap practices continuously will BE VERY HELPFUL FOR EVERYONE CONCERNED. Any of these three are very efficacious for the afflictions of this nature.
If somebody wants to exterminate the Buddhism because he/she is ignorant and evil and then he becomes possessed should we pray for him/her ?
We forgive them and be further inspired to practice more to liberate and help many like them. Pray to Tsongkapa or Setrap would be excellent.
I wish you luck and great blessings.