Question asked by sonam
Dear Pastors,
Thanks for replying the previous questions, I have one more concern, though:
Does chanting or saying words in language which we doesn't understand brings any benefits? Is it wiser to follow the words we understand, instead of saying the phrases which doesn't have to us meaning? Of course we can learn what's their meaning, but what's more important – understanding the instructions of practice, or relying that practice will bring benefits even if we doesn't know what's the meaning? I know that beauty of poetry or literature cannot be expressed so well in other languages as it's in author's native language, but in case of spiritual texts, when the meaning is saved after translation, does it matter? Same questions applies to sutras.
Dear Sonam,
When reciting prayers in a foreign language that we don’t understand, it helps to have the translation in our own language so that we know the meaning of what we are reciting. I agree with you that it is more important to understand the instructions of the practice and believing in its benefits even though one does not know the meaning of the words. For some people it is important to know the meaning or they will lose interest in the text. For others, knowing the meaning of the foreign words is not important and they have full faith in the sacred and holy words.
It is said that mantras are words with power. We don’t have to know the meaning. Just keep the mind free. Mantras help the mind to stay still and not chase after thoughts. They can bring positive and beneficial results. For example, John Blofeld in his book, “Mantras. Sacred Words of Power”, told the story of one of his Chinese friends who cured himself of a life-long addiction to opium by reciting mantras without resorting to medication or other methods. He completely recovered. He said that his private shrine room is the best of clinics and the power of mantras is the best of medicines!
Here is the link to one of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s talk on mantras on this blog: