Why Some People Are Rich and Others Aren’t (Cula Kamma Vibanga Sutta)
From TheBuddhism.Net
There is the case where a woman or man is not a giver of food, drink, cloth, sandals, garlands, scents, ointments, beds, dwellings, or lighting to brahmans or contemplatives. Through having adopted & carried out such actions, on the break-up of the body, after death he/she reappears in the plane of deprivation… If instead he/she comes to the human state, he/she is poor wherever reborn. This is the way leading to poverty: not to be a giver of food, drink, cloth, sandals, garlands, scents, ointments, beds, dwellings, or lighting to brahmans or contemplatives.
“But then there is the case where a woman or man is a giver of food, drink, cloth, sandals, scents, ointments, beds, dwellings, & lighting to brahmans & contemplatives.
Through having adopted & carried out such actions, on the break-up of the body, after death, he/she reappears in a good destination… If instead he/she comes to the human state, then he/she is wealthy wherever reborn. This is the way leading to great wealth: to be a giver of food, drink, cloth, sandals, garlands, scents, ointments, beds, dwellings, & lighting to brahmans & contemplatives.
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One’s present life cannot come out of nothing, but must be the outcome of the previous existence or the past karmaa. Hence what ever we do is important in this life. Why Some People Are Rich and Others Aren’t ? All results come from karma, all karma comes from our actions and from our mind. Do more good needs in this life time, be generous, kind , helpful and so forth. Do more Dharma work, being generous and kind encourages us to perceive others in a more positive light. Being generous also makes us feel better about ourselves.
Thank you for this sharing.
So basically by being the breadwinner in the family, you are guaranteed a life of wealth in the future? Of course, with the account of karma. It is nice to see that it does say man or woman. This shows that both partners must be able to work and provide to others.
Being the breadwinner of a family is not a matter of choice of lifestyle but a necessity to survive and provide for one’s family. It is selfish based. To be generous is to give with compassion in the heart. It is indeed by karmic consequences that the donor receives. So therefore it is essential that one make a provision within one’s means to give be it material or otherwise. Just give and one will receive though this should not be the motivation to give.
To have resources and material is due to one’s generosity in material, spirit or otherwise. When we are generous it opposes attachment, and a generous person one who is willing to share has much less enemies and you obviously would not be able to give to people you label as ‘enemies’. When we give or is generous it creates positive spiritual energy, and this spiritual energy helps us to learn and accrue wisdom. Wisdom is the antidote to ignorance. Hence being generous opposes the three poisons.