Question asked by Zoe Khee
Dear Pastor,
One of my kitten is very sick now due to internal infection and been diarrhea for a week. I had taken him to the vet for 2 times and it seems no good outcome. I would like to know is there any mantra to recite for him to feel better or offering? Or any other way to do? I'm so heartache to look at him in suffering. Please help as I don't want to lose him.
Dear Zoe Khee,
Do continue to take the kitten to the vet until he gets well. You can recite the Medicine Buddha mantra which is very good for animals that are sick: (Tadyata) Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze (Bekandze) Radza Samugate Soha. Recite the mantra 7, 21 or 108 times and blow on him. You can also order a Medicine Buddha puja to be done for him. Having said this, one must remember that some illnesses are karmically determined and if one’s body manifests such an illness, death is inevitable. It’s the same for animals.