Question asked by Irving
Is it possible to obtain a CD with the prayers to Lord Setrap. I understand that this may not be appropriate for this segment, however it is all about dharma teachings.
From the site:
This is the concise version of the prayer to Lord Setrap Chen, the Dharma Protector of Kechara House. This prayer is based on the original Tibetan scripture that is done daily in Gaden Shartse Monastery to this day.
I would very much like to hear it in Tsem Tulku's voice since he has such a special relationship with Gaden and Lord Setrap. If available, I would like to buy the CD.
I also would like to see some of the you-tube presentations available on CD. One can listen while on the way to work, in the living room, way of "catching the mind". I loved that one too.
I simply love all the teachings of Mr. Tsem Rinpoche. I am more aware of who I should NOT be, in order to free myself from all attachments and that is a big job. Thanks for being my teacher! Irving
Dear Irving,
At the moment, we do not have a CD with the prayers to Lord Setrap. However we have a “Setrap Box Set” which comprises a book on the history, benefits and practice of Lord Setrap, two prayer books (the medium length puja and the short length puja) as well as an instructional DVD which is a guide to the Setrap prayers. It is available in all Kechara Paradise outlets and
Thank you for your keen interest.