Report on Fishes Condition in Bukit Jalil Park & Kepong Metropolitan Park
I am so glad to know the fishes we are releasing at the lakes are ok. I am so glad that Suming and group are monitoring the lakes so that we do not harm the eco system by releasing fish into these lakes with our animal liberation once a month. The good thing is that these lakes are huge and very big. Thank you for this wonderful report and it puts my mind at rest. Please continue the animal liberation and continue to monitor.
Tsem Rinpoche
Dear Rinpoche,
Please find the below report on the 2 parks for fish liberation.
- Bukit Jalil Park
- Kepong Metropolitan Park
1. Bukit Jalil Park
Bukit Jalil Recreation Park is located near the National Sports Complex. The park is large and beautiful, with hilly landscape and man-made ponds.
Site Visit:
Total there are 3 ponds of medium size compared to the one in Kepong or Taman Tun Dr Ismail. About 7 feet deep.We fed the turtles and catfish with bread at first in the hot morning and noon sun. They do not surface much. After we bought fish pallets and fed them – the catfish surfaced by many. They are small, medium and large in size. We saw quite a lot medium size fishes.They finished most of the fish pallets.
Was informed by the guard there is a lady who feed bread to the fishes every morning. On days not fed, pond-raised fish may consume some natural foods from the pond which may contribute to a small portion of the maintenance ration.
- To feed the fish every 2 weeks on a Sunday morning as a KC activity with KH members
- Our first feeding will be on the 8th Aug (Sun)
2. Kepong Metropolitan Park (KH Fish Liberation Monthly Venue)
Kepong Metropolitan Park is located on the way to Batu Caves from Bandar Utama.
Site Visit:
The park is 20-24 hectare and the pond is 2/3rd of the size of park. It used to be a mining pond previously and the pond is well taken care of than Bukit Jalil.
Mr Rodzuan, the park manager has told Nicholas not to worry at all about the fishes we liberated from going hungry as the pond has it’s own plankton as they are natural food for them. Also, because the park is famous, there are a lot of regulars who feed the fishes everyday.
One thing good about this pond is that when we released the fishes, the fishes swam straight to the middle of the pond, away from the people who does fishing (Almost all park ie Taman Tun Park, Bukit Jalil Park…. which we have visited in the past we found people fishing even though there is a no fishing sign) and when we visited the pond every month, there are no sign of unhealthy or dead fishes.
- To feed the fish every 2 weeks also on a Sunday morning as a KC activity with KH members and friends. We will be feeding 180 small packets of fish food tomorrow during our KH family day. We are expecting 100 over people joining us
- We will continue to liberate the fishes in a moderate amount still as we are confident that the pond has it’s natural food for the fishes and it has good maintenance by its management.
Thank you.
Chuah Su Ming
Liaison of Tsem Ladrang
Head of Department of Kechara Care
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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有关马來西亜,吉隆坡,甲洞帝沙再也 (暹寺) 三宝寺 Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Association No.19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 所发生的纠纷, 经过阅读了,Venerable Phra Piya Thammo 和尚及叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 的双方书信之后, 再经实地旁听了觧,做为中间人,我要客观实事的说:
1.当一个和尚、初出道 (小学生),在修行, 若有缺点, 那是难免.他马华公会鹅唛區会主地席叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook),却心眼看不顺,就电招警万到耒佛教之圣地要扣畄和尚耒耻唇出家人, 这是绝对不许可, 除非是殺人放火之大罪悪.
2.他身为马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),却反其道而行, 在佛寺不依佛法而軽视佛教的精神, 以傲慢的手段,帶领一般黑社会的人耒挑衅和尚打架, 这也是不该有、更不是佛教修行者的行为.
3.佛教的圣地, 其主要的目地, 是让眾生修佛道, 不是政治争執的地方. 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 却利用佛教之圣地当政治活动的场所。如此果敢冒犯佛陀的教誨,更是大大的罪悪。
囯有囯章,彿有佛法,家有家规. 如果出家人有何不对之处, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 为何不向主持和尚投?让出家人自依和尚的條规处理、却强权一味要显示他是马华公会鹅唛区会及三宝寺理事会主席, 无法无天的应用霸道手段践踏佛教之圣地.为什么。。。。。为什么.
至今, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),不当不歉愧,还要狡辩, 这又证明了他说一套, 做的又是另一套, 囗是心非, 所谓的两舌, 相当阴险. 身为律师, 受高深教育, 却应用如此悪毒, 横蛮无礼的作风污辱和尚, 相等于是耻辱佛教伩仰者。他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)不向主持和尚投诉, 却自承英雄,电招外耒者.请问,身为將近20年的三宝寺主持和尚兼顾问,也是第一位 自筹建寺的大功臣,在大马南傳泒中,是闻名遐邇的高僧.其脸要放在那裡?同样的,要是台湾星雲大师的佛寺沙彌犯錯, 理事会没有礼貌自作主张,电招警方要扣畄其沙彌.我敢请问!星雲大师的自尊是怎样的感受?他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)是后耒者,担任理会主席也不久, 竟敢应用如此,目无尊長的方式对待住持,间接的就是告大家,强迫住持和尚必远離,雀巢鸠要佔。这种用心不良, 有老千之谋, 的确令人不敢恭维。
縱观以上几项重点,我不是盲目的護持三宝, 而是要坦白的说;他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 身受高深教育, 为律师者,本应通情达理才是,但遗憾的是, 却令人惊觉, 他厡耒就是彿书裡所讲的狡猾且残忍的此颣人。他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),利用他的专业知識, 懂得包裝自己的道德守則,以宗教为幌子手,到处募款,商业经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教宗教守则行事, 也没对人道作出任何貢献, 只不过借宗教之名捞取权和私利而己。
在此, 我奉劝, 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 好自为之, 免因果報应.
Its so nice to know that the fishes that have been realised in the lake are ok and healthy. And that KC are going to be feeding them every two weeks. I hope that also more fish will start to be realised more often so that they may have freedom and also so that people may join and know how it feels to be able to free an animal. Because i think that that is a feeling that all people should be able to feel.
Please help spreading the words.
[…] Animal Liberation at KepongThean Hou Temple Turtle PondChrissie Hynde-A Person With A ConscienceReport on Fishes Condition in Bukit Jalil Park & Kepong Metropolitan ParkI am scared and don't want to dieMumu Goes Bye Bye!Martin's dogTHE WHALE ~ some good news […]
Agree with Andrew. We have to do our homework to ensure there are no downside to what we are doing here. Good intention alone is not enough.I do hear a lot of feedbacks from those who support animal liberation and those who do not.
For example,releasing birds. Some people said the birds meant for such purposes are packed tightly in wooden frames and netting and many are injured or die under such conditions.
A bucketful of young catfishes can later grow into huge adults which may upset the pond eco system.
Most of us are not experts in such matters but what SM is doing to check with those who have knowledge and also to conduct periodic monitoring is commendable and in right direction.if things are not working we can always stop,reduce the quantities or change to other species.
Thank you Rinpoche for encouraging KH members to go to other ponds to feed fishes apart from TTDI park which had been initially used to liberate fishes by KH members releasing fishes into the TTDI pond where a lot of turtles also are released by other people. I used to go and feed the fishes and turtles once a week. As in this pond the fishes are always fished by Malays who frequent the park. In TTDI park there are lots of monkeys too. Sometimes I feed the monkeys at the same time that I feed the fishes and turtles. Since Kechara Care and KH members has found another fish pond site which is is Kepong Metropolitan Park which is a bigger pond where we can release more fishes. There are now 2 parks which KH can go and release fishes now. Bukit Jalil park and Kepong Metropolitan Park.
Thank you for sharing the story. I went to Kepong Metropolitan Park on my own last weekend armed with 1 KG of fish pellets. Because it was raining, I asked the people around to help me feed the fishes including the taxi driver. And so we did. It was a wonderful experiece
Glad to know that the fishes are well.
Thanks Rinpoche for considering not only educating people to love lives, but also the surrounding we should take care of.
I realize that sometimes we seem doing something good, but it’s not when you zoom the picture out. As a Buddhist we should think before we do anything, aware of the consequences we might cause, so the it benefits more and have no harm in any angle.
It is wonderful that not only does Kechara organize such animal liberation activities, it also monitors that our actions do not cause any unbalance as doing so would counter balance the good merits.
This is indeed a good lesson in having to think through things thoroughly and not just doing it out of pure emotion. Sometimes gut feeling reactions may not be the best solution. We have to be conscious of our actions all the time even while trying to benefit others.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this simple but very pertinent aspect! Much love and with folded hands always!