Question asked by lavender
Dear Rinpoche, I've been hesitant to put this here but I just moved home which is lovely, but I keep getting the strongest sense, of the deceptions of samsara. and the fact that although lovely, the situation could change, at any moment. I keep getting a sense about fire, whenever I go into the building, like a strong flag from my subconscious, or my own neuroses… obviously, if I've created the causes for this to happen, there's probably little that can be done, and that's fine. .but I just wondered, if you might have any advice, what is the best approach to take. or what it might be good to focus on, in whatever time it is, that I have left. I appreciate very much your kindness, and time in answering this, whenever u have a moment : ) so many, many, thanks….;)
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.