Question asked by L
On the previous question, what about purifying negative karma of the body such as sickness, do prostration towards the lam rim provide the same benefits as the statue? Because base on one of tsem rinpoche video I have recall that lam rim are more powerful ( erm more respectable so to speak lack of vocabulary) than a statue because it provide dharma knowledge meanwhile a statue cannot.
Dear L,
When we prostrate, we prostrate to the Three Jewels (the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) because they are the objects of refuge and spiritual support. When we take refuge, one of the refuge commitments is to regard any image (including statues) of a Buddha as an actual Buddha. Another refuge commitment is to regard all Dharma scriptures as the actual Dharma Jewel. The Dharma is the Buddha’s teachings. By making prostrations to the symbols of the Buddha’s body, speech and mind we will gain merits and purify our negative karma. The Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha have their good qualities and we must know the differences between them. The Lamrim is the essence of Buddha Shakyamuni’s teachings arranged for the step-by-step training of a disciple. It is said that the Dharma (Buddha’s speech) is the ultimate medicine for all. But protration alone to the lamrim is not enough. You must study it, understand the teachings and put them into practice.