Question asked by Alvin
Based on my understanding of karma, spiritual disturbances can something be due to our karmic debt from past lives. If we pray to Dukkar for protection from the spirits, wouldn’t it be that she is interfering with the law of the karma? Buddha did taught that our individual karma can only be undone by our own actions. How does the whole thing works?
Dear Alvin,
It is true that one does not meet with something if one has not created the karma for it to happen. In the case of spirit disturbances, we could have unintentionally offended a spirit or as you said it could be due to our karmic debt from past lives. But karma is not fate! We don’t have to surrender to our “fate”. Since we can cause problems, we can also stop them or solve them.
Praying to Dukkar for protection is one of the methods to stop spirit harm. But as H.E. Tsem Rinpoche said, “the true protection against outer negative spirits and the inner negative spirit of self-centredness is our Dharma practice and strong faith in our Spiritual Guides. Diligently applying our Dharma practice by studying and contemplating to transform the mind, having the correct attitude towards our Gurus and holding our precepts are quintessential in warding off any form of spirit harm.” (Tsem Rinpoche, “Protection Against Spirit Harm”)