Question asked by Pema Thinley
Dear pastors,
Rinpoche always tells that we should let go of our perceptions of how the teachers should be as it is selfish and ignorance. But when i first heard Rinpoche"s teachings i was deeply touched and thought to myself that he is my Guru. so, doe it mean that i accepted him as my Guru because his teachings fulfilled the thing how the teaching should be for me?
thank you
pema thinley
Dear Pema Thinley,
If you feel strongly that H.E. Tsem Rinpoche is your Guru, then go all the way. If, in your heart, you accept His Eminence as your Guru, then the guru-disciple relationship is practically “sealed”. Trust, be loyal and follow the teachings. You will only benefit from this. But you still need to be formally accepted as a student, and it is still necessary to take refuge. Do read up on taking refuge in the Three Jewels and the benefits of taking refuge. Read H.E.’s book “The Living Buddha Within” for more information and teachings.