Dear pastors,
I have a friend who is sick and upon hearing about Buddhist practices from others he asked me about them because he knows I do some kind of a daily practice.
So I introduced him to Om Mani Padme Hum and 35 Confessional Buddhas practice with the mantra recitation for Om Mani Padme Hum and visualization of Chenrezig and light rays of compassion emanating from Chenrezig to him.
Then for 35 Confessional Buddhas I taught him the recitation of the confessions combined with visualization of each Buddha.
But he says now he tries the visualization and he gets very frustrated. Like it just triggers the frustration when he needs to squeeze his brain. Maybe it is because of the weight of the illness I guess.
So he asked me whether he can just do verbal recitation of Om Mani Padme Hum without worrying about visualization and recitation for 35 Confessional Buddhas without the visualization. He wonders whether there will be zero effect or is it also a good practice?
Thank you for your advice!
Kunga Dhondup(aka. Dongho)
What is the difference between a refuge lama and a root guru? Aren't they both the same? If not, who am I supposed to revere highly and practice guru yoga on? Also, does one HAVE to spend 12 years of watching a lama then receive some high tantra empowerment in order for that lama to be my root guru? That's what the Dharmawheel website said, but I have no clue, especially as I took refuge in Lama Kunga Thartse through phone and thought him as my root guru. Could you please clarify?
Hi pastor! i had a bad experience recently. Someone had stolen my wallet from my bag. I had put mantras there and other holy objects including pictures of dzambhala. Im worrying if it will affect me negatively. Im not worrying about the money inside, but the holy objects I have lost. Is it a negative sign for me?
I do the Shenresig sadhana to pratice Metta/loving-kindness/compassion. I've asked you about it a long time ago and you told me it is possible to send(or imagine sending) that Metta that come to us from Shenresig to all beings, but what visualisation/pratice exactly to do for that?
May I post my queries in Chinese, as my Buddhism practicing is under Mandarin, and I don't know about the correct words and terms of certain Buddhism in English.
Thank you.
Tashi Delek.
Dear Pastors,
Thank you very much for giving this oportunity. I have a very personal question. Due to the point that beeing in a realationship is a kind of dependence or attachment- i really would like to have a new relationship, a person to share my life and have children with. I am single for a long time. I do my daily practice and try to help others but I now get lost of my resources and become a kind of alone. I hope it is fine with you that this question is not really a dharma theme. Thank you very much
a while ago i read a post about methods of pest control in the monastery in tibet,, non-harmful in any way , not to kill the rats, mice, insects, etc. but to " request " them to depart by the use of different natural preparations.: i have searched and cannot find the article. please re-direct me. i would very much like to share this information and continue to cause no harm to any living creature.
According to rinpoche kill, profiting off of and consuming animals is a grave sin. But I have recently come to the realization that when we offer pearls before the altar of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that it is no different than offering the flesh of beasts to the Buddha. Both come from the death of a sentient being, both are extracted with great suffering and death to the organisms that produce the commodity and both completely disregarding the teachings of compassion and the rebirth of mother sentient beings …. so why then do most lamas and monks still recommend the use of pearls …. are these offering of pearls no better that the blood offered to Hindu goddesses?I have pondered this for some time and feel extremely conflicted
What are the views of making offerings and praying to Wenchang Wang, the Jade Emperor(also known as Sakra and Indra), and Ji Gong?
I stumbled on an article 5 years ago describing the story of an accomplished master who attained siddhis and buddhahood through recisitation of the vajra guru mantra. I've since then completed a little over 1 million and have seen visions of guru Rinpoche in my dreams and waking moments of time stopping along with hearing my own voice stay words as if it were in front of me.
I've received empowerment of Yamantaka from a YouTube video from Garchen Rinpoche. I would like to know if relying soley on the mantra Om yamantaka hum phat be sufficient as a complete sadhana? Thank you for your time
The great Saraswati practitioner, Lama Dawa Chodak, is dead. I'm beginning to worry on my own root guru after hearing on a lama I almost took refuge in being dead(I never was able to contact him, but I respected him greatly for his devotion to my yidam, Saraswati). What does one do when their root guru is dead? Also, what should one do before their root guru is dead?
Thank you dear pastor Niral Patel from previous question setting up an Altar helping me a lot .Now I asking in praying a (Supplication to the Merciful One) H.H Eminence on line 3. offer light to a stupa or Buddha image 108 times or 108 lights, what I did, I lit a candle and I bow to Lord Buddha , but I don't know what is mean what should I do, Am I do it wrong, I ordered a stupa but is not yet received .
On the (Vows and Commitments) The Eight Precepts there are 8, on last one says wearing jewellery, etc. and (ENJOYING MUSIC or TV) it reminds me of, al Qaeda and Taliban im 64 year old I love oldies music such Rolling Stones, Beatles, Bee Gees etc. H.H. Eminence went with a monk after after they taught a puja they went to dance a Tibetan dance I forgot the name of the dance I saw the video my question is it you can not enjoy music or TV but H.H Eminence watching students dance and of they listen to the music to dance right , thank you so much lot of Love to all you pastors and H.H. Eminence which I truly love him because of him I truly thinking of become a Buddhist
what is enlightenment and how it can be achieved – gradually through life or quickly by one deep meditation?
can meditation be dangerous?
In my family I have always been the child that is ignored, looked down upon and viewed as a burden, and concidered stupider than my sister. My parents always favour my younger sister who in reality has a tendency to yell or scold my parents where as I don’t do such things. My parents tend to skew my accomplishments or try to use them against me which makes me quite sad. I can’t talk to them about my problems and negative emotions for fear that they may tell me that I brought this upon myself and that I can’t do anything right …. what should I do to remedy this family problem
The annual murders and slaughter of sentient beings(turkeys) is about to come up and may have already started. How can we liberate these sentient beings? What sadhana do we practice, especially if we don't have empowerment?
Melanie P
Good evening Pastor
Everything I do will not work out.
All my plans will have to change many times.
Example : if buy a house .. stay in that house not happy always argue with husband
If my child want to go school … change 2 Or 3 times only my son will settle
Always must have a problem with something I do.
I am married with 3 Children …
all my life my parents never help me … selfish
Now my husband also selfish .
As I grow older I feel sad and lonely
Please advice me
How does one appease local deities and spirits of the area? The dharmapala practices seemed to be way off and I want to get along with the spirits, not force them out of their habitat.
What can I do without an empowerment nor dharmapala practice? Are there specific offerings and mantras or what exactly? I live in a prairie and forest environment with a few natural rock formations and some streams, ponds, and a lake. What spirits would be in this and how can I appease them? Also, is there by any chance a divination or some way to know how they feel?
Rev. Dr. Michele Shields, UCSF Medical Center, Director of Spiritual Care Emeritus
Just wanted to give you feedback on your latest Facebook post and link. I appreciate your sharing of this information about chaplains. For your information, Jennifer Block, listed as a chaplain, is no longer employed by Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco. Her services were discontinued more than 3 years ago. She is now self-employed.
alfredo salvado
Im catholic but im really thinking to become a Buddhist I have an Altar set up in my room with statues etc. but can I put catholic such a cross with Jesus, and Mary picture, even a bible can I do it or do I offend both religions.
Is it possible for a lay person to have experience of Dharmakaya in this life?
具有在家人的外表,却背负出家人的责任,讲法师自然而然就扮演了僧伽和一般修行者之间的桥梁。他们是跟你我一样的凡人,却跨出了非凡的一步,将一生用来弘扬佛法。作为持戒的在家人,讲法师让更多人有机会接触佛法,为人们提供指导和知识。讲法师们通常会驻守克切拉佛教中心,随时准备为人们进行辅导。欲知详情,请联系 house@kechara.com。
由于邝仁爱的父母亲很多年前就开始跟克切拉有很深的接触,所以她年幼时期就遇见了尊贵的詹杜固仁波切。没有仁波切的日子,对她来说是难于想象的。仁爱自小就在詹拉章当志工。在考获英国伦敦沃里克大学心理学学士后,她在伦敦缓刑管理局工作。之后回到马来西亚加入E 部门,负责管理kechara.com的每周 Kechara 电子新闻,工作内容包括撰稿和审稿。较后,她加入仁波切的写作小组,负责执行仁波切的指示,以及管理仁波切的往来信件。
尼拉在英国出生和长大,大学时期主修人类学。毕业之后,他曾先后在一家酒店式公寓及旅馆公司及一家管理公司担任财务管理员。在一个偶然的机缘下,他在网络上发现了尊贵的詹杜固仁波切的 Youtube 频道。正是透过仁波切的教诲,尼拉开始明白如果想要自利利他,最重要的就是要修习佛法。
锦丽在2006年跟友人前往金双威用餐时发现了克切拉佛教中心,之后立即参与了克切拉主办的活动。她更踊跃参与了当时的一千万《缘悲经》念诵闭关。 2006年4月,锦丽遇见了尊贵的詹杜固仁波切,也第一次出席了仁波切的开示,那次的开示让锦丽禁不止流泪。当时的她并不明白自己哭泣的原因,直到后来她才明白那是因为自己终于找到了完美的上师,而仁波切慈悲地以身示教的弘法方式更是深深感动了她。
仁波切的许多教诲改变了她生命里的轻重缓急。她在佛法中找到了生命的目标,也意识到只有跟随佛陀的慈悲和智慧之道,才是克服痛苦和愤怒的方法。 这个领悟让她提出了出家的请求。
2007年,谢晓晶经由她十年好友郭月谊讲法师的介绍,初次来到了克切拉。 谢晓晶对完全没有信仰的老友月谊讲法师的彻底改变感到非常惊讶和好奇。在一次偶然的机会下,谢晓晶阅读了克切拉媒体(简称:克媒)出版社的《贪得无厌》。起初,她惯性地以怀疑的态度阅读,试图找出书中谬误之处。然而, 这一次她不仅找不到漏洞,反而对书中逻辑条理分明的解释留下深刻的印象。
2004年12月,林汉妮参加了尊贵的格列仁波切举办的《菩提道次第》及白度母闭关。在闭关期间,林汉妮发现自己的问题逐渐有了答案。然后,在 2005年6月,她在姐姐的介绍下来到克切拉,也因此遇见了她的精神导师尊贵的詹杜固仁波切。詹杜固仁波切最近劝告她必须为了众生的利益全神投入佛法事业。
打从一开始,詹杜固仁波切就鼓励黎国圆投入写作工作。在克服了种种障碍后,黎国圆终于展开写作生涯,并在2009年推出他的第一本著作和自传《There’ s No Way But Up》(不进则退)。这本书记述了他自幼的灵修旅程,直到他遇见根本上师――尊贵的詹杜固仁波切的种种经历。
世界各地读者对“There’ s No Way But Up”一书的热烈反应推动黎国圆继续撰写其他著作,包括尼泊尔朝圣指南《Vajrayogini and other Power Places in Nepal》(金刚瑜伽母及尼泊尔其他圣地)、短篇故事集《Tales My Lama Told Me》(上师告诉我的那些传说)以及关于情感关系的《Conversations in Love》(亲密对话)。这些著作给许多人带来启发,也将无数人带向佛法的殿堂。
Dear Johnny,
Thank you for your question. I am sorry to hear that your friend is sick, but he is very lucky to have a friend like you who can share these immensely powerful practices with him. The aspect of visualisation can be very frustrating for beginners, especially with practices like the 35 Confessional Buddhas simply because there is so much visualisation involved.
Within Buddhism for a practice to be the most beneficial, one needs to engage what are known as the ‘three doors’ – these are one’s body, speech and mind. In order to engage the body, traditionally you sit in full lotus meditation posture, however this may not always be possible due to physical difficulties, especially is the person is suffering from illness. In this case, the best way to engage the body is to sit as comfortably but alert as possible in a quiet place, preferably in front of an altar or image of any of the enlightened beings. In order to engage the speech, one simply recites the prayers, and in order to engage the mind, one engages in the accompanying visualisations. However since your friend has difficulty visualising at the moment, he should just do the recitation. Even that in itself has great benefit. If appropriate your friend should get an image or statue of Chenrezig, and an image of the 35 Confessional Buddhas. You can find free downloadable pictures of deities here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/downloads/buddha-images.html. Ask you friend to find the picture(s) that are most attractive to him. He can focus on the image when reciting the prayers instead of visualising for now. The Buddhas operate from enlightened compassion, therefore if one has the correct motivation and is sincere, this creates a connection so that their energies can flow into our lives.
Visualisation itself is a form of meditation, and as with all forms of meditation, as the practice seeks to calm the mind, obstacles will arise. This is even more so when a person is sick, as you mentioned. I would like to suggest that your friend still continue reciting the mantras and prayers, but not to force the visualisation too much for now. It can be very difficult at first and one can only get used to through repeated effort and practice.
Instead, I would like to suggestion that your friend engage in the Nine Round Breathing Mediation before reciting the prayers. This will help calm your friends mind in general, and also help in your friend’s healing process as it helps to purify the body as well. I have include His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s instructions on the basic breathing meditation below. I hope this helps.
Thank you.
[size=1.25em][b]Basic Nine Round Breathing Meditation[/b][/size]
Have your eyes either open a little bit or closed, whichever is better for you.
Relax your shoulders, have your hands on your lap with the right on top of the left; two thumbs touching; arms slightly away from your sides, hanging loosely by your sides.
Your mouth and jaw should be relaxed. Chine tucked in a little bit. Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth behind the upper teeth and breathe normally with a natural, steady rhythm.
Now let’s start the nine round breathing meditation.
Using your right hand, your right index finger blocks off the left nostril while you are breathing in through the right nostril.
Just let your breath come in slowly and steadily, pause for a moment, then block off the right nostril and breathe out the left nostril. Do this slowly and steadily three times, in through the right and out through the left.
Focus completely on the breathing, on the sensation of the nostrils as you are breathing in and out.
For the next three breaths keep your right nostril blocked and breathe in through the left and then move your finger to block off the left and breathe out through the right. So breath in through the left and out through the right, three times.
For the last three breaths bring your hands back to your lap and breathe through both nostrils evenly, slowly and gently.
Pause for a moment and then exhale through both nostrils, keeping your mind fully focused on the breath, on the sensations, as you breathe in and out. Continue to breath normally and bring into your mind a positive motivation for doing the meditation.
Think “I am going to do this meditation in order to work on my mind, to be a more positive, beneficial person for others, for the world. May this meditation bring more peace and happiness to others, to the world.’
Once you have generated a positive motivation bring your awareness back to your breathing and just be aware of each inhalation and exhalation of breath.
Let your attention ride or float on the breath similar to the way you would float on the surface of the ocean where there are gentle waves coming and going. Stay floating on the surface flowing with the wave, coming and going, flowing in and out, just let your attention rest or float on the gentle rolling rhythm of the breathing.
Now move your attention away from the breathing to the mind itself, that which is aware of breathing. In other words instead of being aware of the breath, which is the object of your mind, the object of your awareness, become aware of the mind itself, the awareness itself, that which is observing the breath, experiencing the breath.
The mind is like space or like sky, completely clear, not solid, and vast, spacious and unlimited. Try to get a sense of how your mind is like that, like this clear, vast and spacious sky.
The things that we are aware of, the thoughts, images, memories and so on, are similar to the clouds that pass through the sky, they’re not always there but they appear and after a while they disappear.
If there are thoughts appearing in your mind while you are sitting here doing this mediation, thoughts, memories, images, or if you hear sounds or feel sensations in your body, think that these are just like clouds, passing through this space or clear sky of your mind.
Let them come and let them go, realise that they are only momentary and not solid, they just come and go. Let them go and return your awareness to the mind itself, which is like the clear spacious sky. See if you can get a sense of identifying with this clear space-like nature of the mind. In other words feel, “this is the real me, this is my real nature, who I really am”.
Rather than identifying yourself with the temporary clouds of thoughts and emotions that passed through your mind, see if you can realise those as mental events, things that come and go in the mind.
They are not you and not who you really are. Let them go and identify with the clear space-like nature of your mind, your awareness, so that you are the sky, not the clouds.
Before opening your eyes mentally dedicate the merit or positive energy for doing this meditation. In the same way you motivated at the beginning, may this mediation be beneficial for others, may it bring greater peace, happiness, and benefit to other beings, to the world.
So dedicate the effort that you made and the positive energy you have created from doing the meditation to that goal.