This picture was taken today at Tsem Ladrang.
Each Liasion has a specific responsibility to take care of one of the 12 Depts of Kechara House (KH) or a specific job related to one of the departments. They are of all ages and comes from different walks of life. But have joined forces with me to learn, practice and share Dharma with others in a compassionate manner.
Having intense meeting.
The liaisons are 18 people (and increasing) who are dedicated, work harder and put their energies into working very hard with me as leaders of the Kechara House Buddhist Association. We have direct contact and discuss everything out in meetings. We usually take democratic votes to come to decisions and each liaison gives updates to the whole council regarding their departmental successes, problems, issues, or ideas of expansion.
Focussed and caring.
The meetings can be very serious, fun, scary and sometimes even long, but they usually produce results. Any growth in our organization comes directly from the liaison’s councils and the wonderful ppl in each of the depts that work with them.
Today I decieded to give a rose and note to each liaison. The note is to encourage more self growth and outer growth. To also let them know that I love them no matter what. I appreciate them very much. Without them, I couldn’t do much. Behind every Rinpoche there are great liaisons!
I am proud to present you pictures of them taken tonight at the meeting, please see below:
Beng Kooi (BK), Tsem Ladrang Dept / E-division / Websites / Twitter / Facebook / blog.
Datin Ng, Retreat Centre Kechara World Peace Centre (KWPC)( KWPC was formerly known as TKL)
Datuk May, Tsem Ladrang Head / KH President / KWPC / BOD
David Lai, KMP Dept / Writer / Author / Dharma Teacher
Henry Ooi, KP Outlets / BOD / KWPC / KH Vice President
Irene Lim, Kechara Oasis Restaurant (KO)
JP Thong, Tsem Ladrang / BOD / KWPC / Rinpoche Assistant for Appointments/ Manager of Tsem Ladrang Nepal
Li Kim, CEO of KMP Dept / Publisher / Chief Editor
Ms Han, Kechara In Motion (KIM)
Paul Yap, Kechara Discovery / Kechara Saraswati Arts / Kechara Blooms / Kechara House
Ruby Lim, Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK)
Pastor Loh Seng Piow (SP), Personal Assistant of Rinpoche / Tsem Ladrang / Head of Rinpoche’s Private Quarters / Advisor for Internet / Rinpoche’s Blog Editor
Sharon Saw, KMP Dept /Writer / Author / Editor
Su Ming, Tsem Ladrang Gifts & PR / Kechara Care / Kechara Lounge Nepal
Yek Yee, KMP Chinese Language division / Writer / Author / Editor
May Kechara House and it’s 12 wonderful departments continue to grow and be of tremendous benefit to many in this region and generally everyone.
I am proud of the liaisons and all the people that work with them for dharma. I am proud of every single person that work full time and volunteer in Kechara House and all the departments. They show their dharma in their work.They can think of others more than themselves and they express it in dharma work. Very compassionate of them. That is the Bodhisattva Ideal.
We have many more wonderful people in the 12 departments who are not liaisons but work very hard and do so much. I have not forgotten them at all. I love them and appreciate them very much. There are many more that are too numerous to mention on this post for now. But I will talk about them more later.
Tsem Rinpoche
Spiritual Advisor
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[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
[…] The Liaison’s Council of KH […]
When Rinpoche came to Malaysia he had only one monk to assist him. And he had to raise funds for his Monastery. Karmically I had the great fortune to assist Rinpoche following him on his fund raising tour around Malaysia. I was sort of a Liason/Assistant doing everything from preparing food to attending to Rinpoche’s consultation session and also managing his cash accounts. Rinpoche had no choice but to put up with me even though I have no inkling about tibetan statues and cultures. As I came from a Chinese Mahayana School of Buddhism at that time. Yes, Rinpoche had started off single handedly and within 17 years later he had built Kechara Organisation with 13 departments with the help of 20 Liasons and students to help and eventually to build KWPC.
Without Kechara, none of us would ever be in the same room together. I’ve had the privilege of sitting in some liaisons council meetings, and I’ve seen how these men and women work. They don’t let personal differences affect them and if someone has an opinion, it’s always worth hearing.
Paris’ last paragraph is something I’ve been thinking about recently. Actually, once you get into the room, all the things you usually use to define / categorise people – age, gender, years in dharma, etc – fade away and stop being important. Only two things matter – getting the job done, and getting the job done well.
Having the honour to be invited to join the Liaisons council about 2 years ago has undoubtedly the most rewarding and meaningful thing that has happened to me in my short life.
I am struck, as I sit in every of our liaisons meeting, how much I enjoy being with these people. I realise over and over again that there is not one person in that room that I do not love and want to work with – this is something that could never be said of working relationships with other colleagues anywhere else in the world. How rare it is to have the privilege of working with people that are not just colleagues but true friends and family – I have come to cherish the liaisons as much as my own blood family.
It is remarkable being in a room (or even being distantly connected by SMSes and emails) with 20 other people who are so dedicated to the service of others. It is humbling, inspiring and joyful all the time, even when we come across tough situations or difficult moments.
It is also funny that we have people in the liaisons council who are 63 and then some in their mid-twenties. And we have the best times together – it is a “family” where we work together, scream at each other, laugh, discuss and make all the most exciting decisions for the organisation. And at the end of the day, after a 17 hour meeting, you go home exhausted, your eyelids screaming but you are the happiest you’ve ever been.
I really did not know how much work, time and effort go into the work within the Liasions’ Council of Kechara until I sat in one of their Liasions’ Council Meetings. Only then did I realize how very lucky I am as a member of Kechara. This group of 20 men and women is what I’d affectionately refer to as the “Sacred Knights of Compassion In Action”. They work almost 24/7, braving through each day with the challenges that come their way, non-stop. As soon as they resolve one problem, another props up, but do they ever give up? No, never – not this group. Each of them has pledged their life over to serving others and benefiting others under the guidance/direction of Rinpoche. Many go on days without sleep, or without proper meals and yet they give the rest of us “samsaric prisoners”, their very best. In fact, they have given us, their all. Because of their firm belief, trust and faith in Rinpoche, they have become almost “super-human” in serving other’s welfare. Can anyone of us just renounce our worldly life and pleasures, take pay cuts and sacrifice our own wants for someone else? We can’t even be a little nicer to our own family members on a daily basis. Hence, just imagine how much love, dedication and time each of the Liasions have invested in Kechara just because they care about others more than themselves. Just seeing how much work they do put me to shame. Every single Liasion in Kechara truly deserves our respect, kindness and most of all, our highest appreciation. In my daily prayers, I will always include them. Because without the Liasions, Rinpoche would not be able to get so many things done so qucikly. Hence, the way we treat the Liasions should reflect the way we treat our Guru. They are one and the same.
Thank you for sharing this with the rest of the Kechara members. I am very sure everyone appreciates knowing what goes on in the conference room every so often!
I have upmost respect for the Liaisons council. Being anchors of the organization, they carry huge responsibilities. The responsibilities are deeper than it seems. If they do not do their duties well, if they do not transform, the whole organization will be affected and probably ceased to exist. Imagine that.
But what an honor it is be to be a Liaison to be able to benefit so many and to receive so many direct teachings from Rinpoche.
I salute you guys!
The growth of Kechara is very much due to the hard work of Rinpoche and fellow liaisons who went through many serious, fun, scary and sometimes even long meetings to plan, propose, and after that execute what they have planned.
Thank you Kechara liaisons for your inspiring work!