Born with The Mirror of the Country God as your birth Mewa, you usually have a mild appearance but your true strength lies inside. You have a strong mind, a traditional outlook and can impose your will on others. You are opinionated and you hold on to your views which cannot be changed easily....
Posted in Tibetan Astrology | 17 Comments »
Born with The Mirror of Prosperity as your birth Mewa, you are typically sensitive and emotional but also an extrovert. You often have a very good life but place a lot of emphasis on external beauty. You can be hypercritical because you expect too much of others, are impulsive and also impatient. Though you...
Posted in Tibetan Astrology | 18 Comments »
Born with The Mirror of Medicine as your birth Mewa, you are generally pessimistic in your outlook on life. You may appear to be very open and friendly, but internally, you have a tendency to be stubborn. You may experience a difficult childhood but enjoy a very fortunate middle and old age. If you...
Posted in Tibetan Astrology | 3 Comments »
Born with The Mirror of Dreams as your birth Mewa, you have a pleasant character and are generally not an angry person. You have a lot of love and respect for your friends, partners and children. On the other hand, you also lack ambition and are not very innovative although you have a keen...
Posted in Tibetan Astrology | 7 Comments »
Such and Immaculate incarnation of Lokeshvara, Physical, tangible, humble and yet exalted, How fortunate that we live in the same world as He. In this life, and all lives, may we have supreme connection, To this Lord of Men by the name of Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama, Holder of the White Lotus. ~Tsem Rinpoche...
Posted in Great Lamas & Masters | 11 Comments »
Introduction Chenrezig (Tib: spyan ras gzigs; སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས།) or Avalokiteshvara (Skt), is the Buddha of Compassion. Possibly the most famous and well-loved deity across all schools of Buddhism, Chenrezig manifested in various forms to benefit sentient beings. For example, within the Mahayana school of Buddhism, he is widely known as the Goddess Kuan Yin. Benefits Calms the mind Relieves anxiety Cultivates compassion, wisdom and confidence Prevents one from entering the lower realms Fulfills one’s wish for happiness Bestows celesti...
Posted in Tibetan Astrology | 2 Comments »
I’ve never really taken the 8 glasses a day seriously. I only drink when I am thirsty. This new information is very interesting. Take a read. Tsem Rinpoche Source: National Geographic, October 2010, page 22
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 17 Comments »
Carbon pollution and over-use of Earth’s natural resources have become so critical that, on current trends, we will need a second planet to meet our needs by 2030, the WWF said on Wednesday. In 2007, Earth’s 6.8 billion humans were living 50 percent beyond the planet’s threshold of sustainability, according to its report, issued...
Posted in Current Affairs & News, Science & Mysteries | 14 Comments »
This picture was taken last night (Oct 11, 2010) by Monlam. It’s my two dogs Mumu (left) and Oser. My doors all are made with special entrances for them to run around the place freely. Here they are peeping through their door to see what is going on. They always want to be in the...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 12 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear Friends, Our New Kechara Gompa (Hall) will have three images. Centre and main piece will be Lord Tsongkapa (12ft). The left side Vajra Yogini(8ft) and the right side Setrap (8ft). Our new Gompa finishes in around three weeks time and it will seat 700 people. That will be on the...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Kechara - 13 Depts | 7 Comments »
Dear Nicholas, Thank you for sharing this. I decided to share it with everyone. Very interesting. Thank you. Tsem Rinpoche Dear Rinpoche, I hope you are well. I’ve just moved to Hong Kong a week ago and wanted to share something amazing with you. I was invited to a concert last night...
Posted in Celebrities & People, Film, TV & Music | 28 Comments »
Kechara is doing a book and creating a movie on my life story. Actually I’m not anyone special, but my teacher in the past around 8 years back (2002) insisted I do a bio book on myself in which I vehemently asked to be excused from doing..But my teacher insisted…But as time passes, many...
Posted in Current Affairs & News, Kechara - 13 Depts, Travel | 24 Comments »
Here are a series of pictures/text messages I received. I decided to post it here and it tells a nice story of how Holy Lama Tsongkapa has arrived at the Kechara Kuantan Study Group’s place. This small group is steadily growing and is a close affiliate of Kechara in KL. They have a wonderful dharma...
Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, Study Groups | 9 Comments »
From Thierry , update from Melaka. Now centre has two floors. Rgds ngeow) (We have a Kechara Melaka Study Group now and the premises is expanding….they are like the Kuantan Group very close to Kechara in Kuala Lumpur and an affiliate. Renovation work at new 1st flr to add a private toilet to Tsem...
Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, Study Groups | 5 Comments »
I have established Dharma houses where a group of students will rent a house together and have their own rooms. The reason is to boost support and care for eachother while on the spiritual path. We have so far Vajra Yogini House, Heruka House, Tara House, Jamyang House, Naropa House and NOW SETRAP HOUSE....
Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts, Students & Friends | 4 Comments »
I am as big as a house already and my lovely students still get me more cakes/pastries….they are like Rinpoche “You have to watch your health” and then they turn around and get me cakes….eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil or what???hehehehe… This is a Napoleon cake and my favorite cake in the whole world. It’s layer cream cake...
Posted in Asia, Funnies, Letters, Cards & Gifts, Travel | 10 Comments »
Ms. Jean Mei and Mr. Wee Liang are two young ppl who work for the various depts to the best of their abilities… and the other day they surprised me with a lovely book and card. I do appreciate them thinking of others and working in Kechara bringing benefit to others… It’s the best...
Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts, Students & Friends | 2 Comments »
These are offerings from Beatrice Lau, whose Aunt passed away and I did prayers for the Aunt. I have kept the picture of the Aunt on my shrine for the Buddhas to bless her always for her future lives…I send my deep condolences.. Beatrice loved her aunt very much. So Kechara and myself offered...
Posted in Letters, Cards & Gifts, Students & Friends | 3 Comments »