Watch these brilliant debating sessions with Tsem Rinpoche, demonstrating the superb method of learning in Tibetan Buddhism that is based on logic and not blind faith to convince. DEBATE VIDEO 1 Can we be spiritual without being religious? Can we gain attainments by being spiritual but not religious? What are the differences...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 2 Comments »
“EARTHLINGS is a powerful and informative documentary about society’s tragic and unforgivable use of nonhuman animals, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix with soundtrack by Moby. Directed by Shaun Monson, this multi-award winning film by Nation Earth is a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place.”...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Celebrities & People, Videos | 142 Comments »
Sep 7, 2012 Invoking Protection and Blessings A Prayer to Setrap Composed by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche Among many worlds, realms and dimensions Abide countless awakened beings, enlightened masters And those we call upon as having full omniscience. 无数觉皇明师大罗住 无量世界境域或空间 圆满具足觉智我召请 From among these beings, we request Setrap, The Cosmic Warrior who rides on a gallant horse, Traversing the winds of karma and Galloping across various dimensions sans creation, To come to this place at this time. 伟大宇宙将军金甲衣 护法身骑梭马渡业风 奔腾超越空间与诸相 一心至诚祈请汝来临 &nbs...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, 中文 | 45 Comments »
(译文请往下阅读) This delightful discourse is based on H.H. the Dalai Lama’s teachings on the twelve links of dependent origination. Sprinkled with stories of great practitioners, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche shares with us how our daily obstacles can be overcome with understanding, faith and determination. The talk culminates in the revelation of how even as ordinary beings we can ascend to Buddha’s Pure Land… don’t miss it! ~Admin 詹杜固仁波切在此开示里针对十二因缘给于独特的解释。开示里也提到提到许多伟大上师们发人深省的小故事,让我们轻松学会如何透过理解,信仰和决心去克服我们每日的修行障碍。开示后段更是一针见血的点出身为凡夫的我们,如何才...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, 中文 | 1 Comment »
Nov 19, 2012 (By Pastor Loh Seng Piow) The top few pictures shows the makeshift shed which the caretaker of Kechara Forest Retreat Azai and his wife were staying in, when Tsem Rinpoche saw that, Rinpoche decided to build him a proper “home” to stay in. So for weeks, Rinpoche personally planned and supervised...
Posted in Behind The Scenes | 55 Comments »
Dear Friends, When I went to Tibet for the first time, I was told that I will have no altitude sickness from a lady in our group. She said because I was Tibetans and it’s in the genes. I laughed at her but in the back of my mind, hoped she was right. When...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 10 Comments »
Dear friends, I came across this by total accident and decided to reproduce it here for purely educational purposes. It is amazing what Stanford University is examining now. The find from Chile is not fully human and it’s DNA is more distant to us than that of a Chimpanzee and Neanderthal. This is not...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 17 Comments »
Dear friends close around the world, I must thank you for sharing many of the information I’ve posted on this blog through the years because it really serves to inform many on different issues. When people have information, then it could be the beginning of something good. Whatever little bit of good things I am...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Current Affairs & News | 16 Comments »
(中文请往下看) (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, When a loved one or pet passes, it is a distressing time. We want to do the best for them and their onward journey after they have left their corporeal form. Yet sometimes we don’t know what to do, how to do and maybe cannot afford it. But we still want the best. We can invite sangha and others to recite prayers or we can do our own or both. There are many special things we can do to benefit the deceased. Too numerous to mention here. So for now this will suffice. Three decades back a belov...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, 中文 | 32 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I’ve lightly followed this physicist and his works over the years. I cannot say I’ve read most of his thinking, but some. I find his statement here concluded with such certainty intriguing. I do not endorse or promote exactly his views and I mean no offense to anyone by sharing...
Posted in Celebrities & People, Current Affairs & News | 13 Comments »
I’ve always liked natural or home ingredients to bring closure to some illness, problematic symptoms or discomfort. This article struck a chord. and I wanted to share with you. I haven’t had this made yet, so I don’t know what it tastes like but I do like garlic and always have. If any of...
Posted in Food & Recipes | 38 Comments »
Dear friends, Because I’ve always been tall (6’2″) having more space is VERY important. Also I have a tailbone fracture, so sitting in small tight places without much movement space for long periods really aggravates the injury and it can be quite painful (Ouch!). So seating in various transportations with more space is infinitely important to...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 8 Comments »
Dear friends, I’m trying to share with you that all denizens form and formless, human and non-human have feelings. Everyone wishes to be free, safe and loved. Everyone would like to have their lives not taken away. I always blog about animals, their feelings, their plight, their lives, their difficulties, their fears, their loyalty, their importance,...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 31 Comments »
Dear friends, I found this article very applicable to questions we do really need to ask ourselves. Questions that perhaps only we can answer for ourselves. You should really read this article twice and be totally realistic in what it says. Does it apply to ourselves and if so how? When we face the truth,...
Posted in Inspiration & Worthy Words | 35 Comments »
A while ago I gave a spontaneous teaching in Dukkar Apartments. Dukkar Apartments (DA) is the living quarters of both the Ladrang and Kechara Forest Retreat staff. Many of the hardworking Kecharians now live in DA where there are 30 cabins, a living room area, a kitchen and a place to eat. There are a...
Posted in Students & Friends | 10 Comments »
Dharma Work & TDL (译文请往下阅读) (By Tsem Rinpoche) Please take a look at this above video I did today for you. I hope it will bring you more light….. Dear friends, Today I was at the beach in East Coast of Malaysia and decided to share how I arrived at Thubten Dhargye Ling Dharma Centre in Los Angeles when I was 17 years old. I also have shared my thoughts on Dharma work. I thought my sharing might help some people. After all we are all humans and have our thoughts, feelings and emotions right or wrong. Dharma work is something of...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Kechara - 13 Depts, Me, Students & Friends, 中文 | 143 Comments »
China news report (2007): A reporter shot on video the footage of six water monsters swimming at Tianchi crater lake, Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province, North East China. When zoomed in, the monsters looked like sea leopard and seemed to move in the water with their flippers. The eye-witness said initially he thought it...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, China, China 中国, Travel, 中文 | 32 Comments »
Vina Vo (left) and Kieu Do pray at sunrise near a Buddhist shrine at 11th Avenue and East 19th Street in Oakland. Photo: Paul Chinn, The Chronicle Dear friends, This is truly an interesting phenomena. Definitely the presence of holy objects such as Buddha images will bless and calm down the environment. That...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 26 Comments »
Dear Rinpoche, This is a vintage Bionic Woman doll complete with its packaging. Its an offering from me. Pastor David Dear Pastor David Lai, Thanks for the iconic memorabilia of Bionic Woman figure. She does bring back good memories and reminders of my favorite Bionic Woman show. I liked the show because...
Posted in Film, TV & Music, Letters, Cards & Gifts, Students & Friends | 17 Comments »
Can we be spiritual without being religious? Can we gain attainments by being spiritual but not religious? What are the differences between these two? Do we want to learn to drive on our own, or go to a driving school and learn from an instructor? Watch this mind-blowing debate with Tsem Rinpoche on this...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 15 Comments »