March 14, 2014 By Heather L. Weaver, ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief Imagine if your child was ridiculed in front of his classmates for his religious beliefs until he was physically ill. Can’t believe it? Neither could we, and that’s why the ACLU and the ACLU of Louisiana sued the Sabine...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 31 Comments »
Dear friends, This is a little interesting article and newspaper clipping I came across. I find it totally fascinating how sometimes Bigfoots are ‘confirmed’ to exist and other times ‘confirmed’ not to exist. Take a read. Let me know what you feel about the fluctuation in confirmations. Tsem Rinpoche October 20, 2011...
Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 18 Comments »
By Bhavika June 30, 2014 During my childhood days I remember my mother storing water in a copper vessel and asking us to drink it after 7-8 hours, she would claim that water when stored in a copper vessel was extremely healthy for the mind and body. Now when I see these ancient customs...
Posted in Etc | 25 Comments »
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7. Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attai...
Posted in Behind The Scenes, 中文 | 60 Comments »
Dear friends, I was so surprised when delivery came and dropped this off at my house fully framed, undamaged and in perfect condition. Can you imagine, painted, wrapped and sent from Malaysia to USA! Fantastic! It is an oil painting of Manjushri!! Also a very kind message came with this painting. I was told Wylfred planned...
Posted in Students & Friends | 36 Comments »
The primary reason why many people meditate is simply to enhance focus, calm their minds and eventually attain that higher awareness level and inner calm. It is possible to meditate anywhere and anytime because there is really no appropriate set time, ideal for meditation. However, not many people know exactly how to meditate. So,...
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Gratitude series (This will be ongoing, so check back for new posts) I will be posting up all that I am grateful for in my life. Though my life has been full of distress, challenges, disappointments, pain, fear, insecurities and a host of other karmically ripened circumstances since very young, many good things...
Posted in Me | 39 Comments »
In Nepal, the bigfoots are called Yetis. In Tibetan they are called Migurs. Sightings of these creatures in the Himalayan region are common for hundreds of years and it’s normal to them. Some Sherpa people in Nepal believe it’s bad luck to see them as they are very powerful. Tibetan people believe when you...
Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 30 Comments »
Dear friends, When I was younger and didn’t really care much about this food or that food, I didn’t realize what a spectacular cook my Mom was. She can cook Kalmyk, Yugoslavian, German, Russian and American dishes with her eyes closed. She was one of these people whatever she gets her hand on, she...
Posted in Food & Recipes | 7 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, Chen has returned back to Malaysia yesterday as his US visa has completed. We had a nice farewell dinner with him. After dinner we had a dedication puja together with him. To dedicate all the merits from months of dharma work here with me...
Posted in Students & Friends, 中文 | 33 Comments »
Dear Friends around the world, For as long as I can remember I have been interested in the Paranormal, mysterious and supernatural. I’ve been particularly interested in Bigfoot. In North America there are thousands of recorded sightings of Bigfoot per year that are reported. There are grainy pictures, captured sounds they make, recorded behavioral...
Posted in Travel, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 61 Comments »
Dear all, I recently came across this Bigfoot documentary which was filmed back in 1975. This documentary is a must-see for all of those who are keen on knowing more about Bigfoot’s! Eyewitness accounts are given from people who had personal encounters, including someone who heard a Bigfoot’s cry. The film then follows a...
Posted in Videos, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 8 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I have been interested in travelogues but this one I came across accidentally is really interesting and I was glued to it. I’ve seen so many programs on Tibet, but this is really nice. He starts his journey just outside of Tibet and enter and show you so many...
Posted in China, China 中国, Travel, Videos | 28 Comments »
How can some people be so brutal? What do they get out of this brutality and violence. You must see what happened to Tara. Remember to never harm animals in anyway. They cannot defend themselves against us and we get nothing from harming them. Tsem Rinpoche Saving Tara the dog Tara has been...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 41 Comments »
Dear friends, This is a wonderful recent story to share with you and lighten your heart. Please read it and share with others. I agree with Tsechen Wongmu that it is not hard to do what she did because as she says, upon finding gold, you can just let go of the scrap iron. Tsem Rinpoche ...
Posted in Celebrities & People, Current Affairs & News, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 51 Comments »
Dear friends, I wanted to share this to encourage everyone to be very kind to animals and to show love to them. These are good suggestions here. They may not be the only concern in your life, but to them you are their whole wide world. They have no one else but you. Be...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 36 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I have visited Bali with my dharma friends years back to look for outdoor Buddhas. But I didn’t see any of these places while I was there. I am amazed at the architecture, ambiance and aesthetics of these guest rooms. Which one do you like? I like number 6...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Travel | 25 Comments »
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7. Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attai...
Posted in Behind The Scenes, 中文 | 50 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) This is Mount Kailash in Tibet bordering with India and Nepal. This peak is considered a very holy place in the Heruka and Vajra Yogini tantras. This is one of the 24 holy places where Heruka and Vajra Yogini energy abides very strongly. So we can receive their blessings by visiting...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 29 Comments »
Lord Tsongkapa painted by Charlie Dear friends, A few years a back a very talented lady named Ivonice did some dharma songs for me. I asked her to do Migtseyma, 8 Verses of Thought Transformation and The Praise to Setrap written by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama. She came out with the...
Posted in Inspiration & Worthy Words, Tsongkhapa | 24 Comments »