(译文请往下阅读) Dear good friends around the world, I thought I would make it simple and easy to remember so I came up with these to help you recall the qualities, abilities, benefits and and nature of Vajra Bhagawan Rudra or Dorje Shugden, the special protector emanation of Manjushri. Although he is a fully enlightened being he manifest in worldly form in order to be closer to us and he is able to assist us quicker. There are two categories of protectors. One is mundane (unenlightened) and supramundane (enlightened). Within the mundane, it is broken...
Posted in Downloads, Gallery, བོད་ཡིག, 中文 | 3 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, Poverty and desperation does drive people to do things that can be harmful to themselves. When it’s further fueled by ignorance, it can be very damaging long term. It is very sad to see what these people are coerced into doing to survive. This might be difficult for many...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 34 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) The Council of Lhasa, also known as the Great Debate at Samye, was a famous debate, between the Chinese Buddhist monk Moheyan and the Indian Buddhist master Kamalashila, held in Tibet around 792 CE. Initiated by King Trisong Detsen (742-797 CE), considered to be an emanation of Manjushri, the debate is...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Guest Contributors | 18 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Most lineages within Tibetan Buddhism have practices surrounding Dharma protectors both enlightened and unenlightened and who manifest their activities in order to alleviate obstacles facing practitioners and to create conducive conditions for their spiritual progress. The holy Sakya lineage is no different. The most important protectors of the lineage include Panjaranata...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 23 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) We should meditate on anything we know about Bodhicitta and generate the mind to achieve it. How do we do that? We start by visualising all the Three Jewels and our Gurus dissolving into Lord Tsongkhapa. Then visualise our mother on left, our father on the right, and all other beings...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 47 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor Niral) Ekai Kawaguchi was a Japanese Buddhist monk, known for his travels to Tibet and Nepal in the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. He described his travel to Tibet in his book “Three Years in Tibet”. Childhood and Background Ekai Kawaguchi was born...
Posted in Downloads, Explorers, Guest Contributors | 15 Comments »
Dear Friends, I came across this very interesting article about this powerful red goddess from a huge volcano in Hawaii. Her name is Pele – Goddess of Fire. Her poetic name is ‘Ka wahine `ai honua’, the woman who devours the land, and she is both creator and destroyer. She is very active. She...
Posted in External Article, Science & Mysteries | 35 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I find it infinitely fascinating that in the Grand Canyons in the state of Arizona, USA you can find massive ancient carvings of figures that look like Lord Buddha. Please read carefully and ask yourself these questions? Who carved these? Why? Are there further evidence this is Buddha or...
Posted in Science & Mysteries | 47 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends around the world, I have presented here for all you stunning pictures of paintings depicting the life and activities of Lord Buddha. Each painting has a easy to remember description below it. You can also download these photos here to share with friends and loved ones. Just by seeing...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Downloads | 16 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, Below are 10 individual paranormal stories which I have experienced myself and some which I have heard from family and friends. I have always been interested in the paranormal. I hope you enjoy the videos and do let me know your thoughts in the comment section. I would like to know which...
Posted in Science & Mysteries | 25 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) I have mentioned several times before that learning about the lives of Great Masters in Buddhism is an incredibly important part of our spiritual progress. Take for example if you would like to be or have great interest in a particular politician, singer or a writer… would it not be natural...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Downloads, Tsongkhapa | 25 Comments »
I met my first teacher His Eminence Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Tharchin in Howell, New Jersey at the age of 7 that was back in 1972. Since then, I have had the great fortune to receive teachings from some of the most incredible and attained beings this world has ever seen. As we did not...
Posted in Great Lamas & Masters, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche | 17 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I found all these tidbits of information which I thought might help you. I don’t guarantee they all work, but they do sound very interesting. Some of the methods seem so simple as solutions for everyday problems. I certainly enjoyed reading them. I hope you will too. Tsem Rinpoche...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 12 Comments »
BY CHRISTINE LAGORIO-CHAFKIN Senior writer, Inc. Creating a doggie heavenIn search of an office big enough for its staff and their dogs, Kurgo, a Salisbury, Massachusetts-based startup that makes dog-travel gear, took over its own 4,000-square-foot warehouse in 2015. (Here, Josie “the jumper” lounges near the creative department.) IMAGE: COURTESY COMPANY Marking the...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 18 Comments »
Dear friends, I’ve had a life long interest in things not-ordinary. The first time I heard about Bigfoot I think was from a show called ‘In Search Of’ hosted by Leonard Nimoy which explored paranormal and mysterious phenomena across the world. It was one of my favorite shows. I use to hate the fact...
Posted in Meme, Science & Mysteries, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 12 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Lama Anagarika Govinda (1898 – 1985) was a towering – figure who introduced the world to Tibetan Buddhism. Multi-talented, he was an accomplished Buddhist scholar, philosopher, poet, painter as well as being the founder of the Arya Maitreya Mandala order. Despite coming from a privileged European background , Lama Anagarika Govinda...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Celebrities & People, Downloads, Explorers | 12 Comments »
There are many definitions of holiness in regards to an object, a person or a place. There are things that are inherently holy such as the Buddha, Dharma or Arya Sangha. Buddhas are inherently holy because they have already reached the fruition of their path, which is enlightenment. The expression of enlightenment is Dharma,...
Posted in Great Lamas & Masters, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Letters, Cards & Gifts | 27 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) The Guhyasamaja Tantra is actually one of the oldest tantric systems to exist in written form arising from India. Holding particular significance for the Gelugpa school, Lama Tsongkhapa classified this tantric system as the main system of Father Tantra because it is so extensive that it actually provides the structure that...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Downloads, H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche | 10 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I respect all cultures and customs because they are unique. Customs that hurt people, the environment and animals should be changed though. It’s not necessary anymore. Please see the short video. It might be hard to watch but necessary so you understand what is going on. However painful it is for you to see the video will not hurt as much as the bodies of the animals in this video. Please share as much as possible to create more awareness and more petitions to sign for this to stop. In your compassion, sign ...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment | 28 Comments »
On Thursday, the US Navy announced they dispatched a small armada to the South China Sea. Consisting of the John C. Stennis aircraft carrier, two cruisers, two destroyers, and the 7th Fleet flagship, the US is making their mission clear — we are not scared of kicking off World War III. Confirmed by the...
Posted in Current Affairs & News | 6 Comments »