Hello everyone, it’s me again. Ever since young, I have always been very interested in paranormal subjects especially spirits, Loch Ness Monster, fairies and of course, the last but not least, Bigfoot. I find this book very informative and I highly recommend fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts to read this book. Short Introduction of Bigfoot...
Posted in Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 33 Comments »
Recently, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche has instructed me to read up this book and to write a blog post about it. At first I did not think much of this book and I was just judging the book by its cover, thinking that it wouldn’t be interesting. Not long after reading the book, I started...
Posted in Books & Poetry, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Students & Friends | 29 Comments »
When I come across an article like Judas’ betrayal of his master, I am curious why he did that to his master who is deemed the Messiah. There are a couple of views on this matter: firstly, he was not a firm believer that his master was the Messiah and secondly, he was a greedy...
Posted in Guest Contributors | 34 Comments »
Anna May Wong (3rd January 1905 – 3rd February 1961) was the first Chinese- American actress and the first Asian American to have gained international recognition. This is an amazing lady, who starred in 55 films, 100 years ago. She broke into Hollywood and became an international star. She has fought through racism, stereotypes,...
Posted in Celebrities & People, Guest Contributors | 26 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends around the world, Chupzang Nunnery has had a rich history and culture. It is an interesting and beautiful nunnery with their practice intact for hundreds of years. They have many sacred Buddhist treasures such as self arisen images of holy beings that are a great blessing. They have a ‘Terma Buddha’...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche | 23 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear spiritual friends around the world, Reading the deeds and life stories of great masters, mahasiddhas and teachers are really something that is necessary on a regular basis. We have everything surrounding us that beckons us to fail in our spiritual practice and therefore we need every bit of blessings and...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Great Lamas & Masters, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 25 Comments »
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Great Lamas & Masters, Inspiration & Worthy Words, 中文 | No Comments »
I found this article to be very intriguing as well as interesting. In Buddhism, it is said there is no beginning but there is an end to our individual existences once we reach enlightenment. Also time and our rebirth has no beginning whatsoever but upon the destruction of the non-existent ‘I’ then our ego based...
Posted in Science & Mysteries | 21 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, It is very important to take good care of our pets because keeping a pet is equivalent to taking care of a child. Once we have decided to take care of them, it is our responsibility to make sure they are healthy and treated well. For modern-day people, due...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Current Affairs & News | 34 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor Niral) Dear Friends, Recently on the ‘Ask a Pastor’ section of this blog an online friend asked a question about the Twenty-Four Holy Places and the Eight Great Charnel Grounds. The Pastors were asked if these were actual places found in relation to our world, e.g. actual geographic locations....
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Guest Contributors, Vajra Yogini | 52 Comments »
Dear Blog friends, I have great faith in Manjushri. I have always had great faith in Manjushri and the much needed benefits He bestows upon practitioners. His practice can bring so much benefit to the person by increasing their memory, learning, composition, absorbing the Dharma, teaching, poetry, and much more. There are many forms of Manjushri which are depicted...
Posted in Kechara - 13 Depts | 38 Comments »
If you live next to a dog meat farm and are forced to walk your dogs past this horrific slaughter house every day, would it move you to make a difference or would your senses be numbed from the pain of such a sight? For one couple living in Korea, compassion and the wish...
Posted in Animals, Vegetarianism & Environment, Guest Contributors | 34 Comments »
There are many similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism, yet there are significant and important differences which set the two apart. Although the two are very different from each other, Hinduism has always fascinated me and I have always thought that if I weren’t a Buddhist, Hinduism would be a religion which I could easily...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture | 13 Comments »
I’ve always liked art, not merely for its creativity and beauty, but for the subtle messages it presents, for how an artist views the world and how their art opens up our minds to different ways of viewing things. Art is a very personal creation and many artists are great thinkers who contemplate deeply...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 16 Comments »
This video was on my Facebook newsfeed and suffice to say, it disturbed me. It disturbed me because it was basically senseless pain being inflicted on another being. Not to say inflicting pain on anyone is excusable or justifiable under any circumstances, but in this case it was totally and entirely without utility. What...
Posted in Guest Contributors | 4 Comments »
We all have excuses, reasons, justifications and thoughts why we can’t do this and that. We like to sometimes use these excuses and explain to others until we think they think it is valid. They may or may not believe the validity of our reasons, but one thing is for sure, if we believe...
Posted in Inspiration & Worthy Words, 中文 | 87 Comments »
(Originally published March 16, 2013 by Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends from around the world, I was lying down with a migraine and a realization came to me about myself, my childhood, my view of events in my life that everyone comes across at one stage or another. I had to share my thoughts. I...
Posted in Autobiography, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Me | 178 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, If you have been following my blog for a period of time now, you would realize that I am very into paranormal topics. Since young I have always had a fascination towards mysterious creatures like Bigfoot, Aliens, UFOs, mysterious legendary creatures and etc. I hope you enjoy the article,...
Posted in Science & Mysteries | 22 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I’ve always liked natural remedies for our health as much as possible. Unfortunately I don’t always have the time and resources to engage in natural remedies as much as I like to. I like preventative measures too. Prevention is the best. Anyways, myself not being able to engage fully...
Posted in Food & Recipes | 6 Comments »
Bigfoot has fascinated the world for decades, but records of their sightings have been seen centuries ago. Although it has been so many years since people first talked openly about Bigfoot sightings, and even gone on active search for this mysterious being… Not many have actually acknowledged the authenticity of these recorded sightings. While...
Posted in Science & Mysteries, Videos, Yeti/Bigfoot/Sasquatch | 16 Comments »