“I suppose now what I’m interested in is Nirvana, the Buddhist heaven. I don’t know much about it, or really understand it enough to explain it. George knows more. Studying religion has made me try to improve relationships, not to be unpleasant. It’s not a conscious move to change my personality. Perhaps it is....
Posted in Autobiography, Celebrities & People | 12 Comments »
Rei Kawakubo. Just the name inspires shivers of excitement and pangs of anticipation in the world of fashion. Kawakubo made a name for herself in the emergent Japanese fashion scene of the late ’60s and early ’70s. Her overt reliance on black fabric and asymmetry, disdain for hiding seams and penchant for unfinished edges...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Celebrities & People | 7 Comments »
The Rinjung Lhantab is a voluminous collection of tantric deity sadhanas (spiritual practices) that was compiled and edited by Palden Tenpai Nyima, the 7th Panchen Lama...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 6 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends around the world, I wanted to share with all of you the story of the very potent Methar and how he arose as a dharma protector and came to be a part of Dorje Shugden’s mandala. He was placed under the care of Kache Marpo, who is Dorje Shugden’s...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden, Downloads, Great Lamas & Masters | 98 Comments »
King Trisong Detsen, the second of Tibet’s Three Dharma Kings, was the monarch responsible for the official adoption of Buddhism as the state religion of Tibet and for putting it under royal patronage...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Celebrities & People, Gallery | 13 Comments »
Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Aliens (2010) – Stephen Hawking hosts an epic new kind of cosmology series, a Planet Earth of the heavens. It takes the world’s most famous scientific mind and sets it free, powered by the limitless possibilities of computer animation. Hawking gives us the ultimate guide to the...
Posted in Aliens, Celebrities & People, Science & Mysteries, Science and Technology, Videos, Videos | 5 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) We respect and admire His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso for his constant effort to spread the Dharma and benefit millions of people. However, in 1996, the Dalai Lama made a controversial statement about Dorje Shugden that essentially degrades an enlightened deity as a mere worldly spirit and a...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden | 56 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor Jean Ai) I recently had the pleasure of speaking with a learned geshe who said he had some information to share about the spirit Nyatrul. It is often claimed that this spirit is what inhabits the body of the Nechung Oracle whenever he takes trance in Dharamsala, and that...
Posted in Dorje Shugden | 101 Comments »
Kid geniuses are people who were good in something in another life and they from a young age without or with very little training can do something beyond your belief system of what kids can and cannot do. When I was in the Monastery, I saw young reincarnated tulkus who can recite very complicated passages from certain scriptures with very...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Inspiration & Worthy Words, Natural Phenomenon, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 29 Comments »
Dear friends around the world, I have such great news to share and I am ecstatic about this turn of events. I reverentially fold my hands to His Holiness the Dalai Lama for making these recent announcements as published in phayul.com, Dalailama.com and a video. These are the things His Holiness the Dalai Lama...
Posted in Current Affairs & News, Dorje Shugden | 125 Comments »
Paul Leroy Robeson (1898–1976) was a famous Hollywood actor, bass-baritone singer and stage performer who not only contributed to the entertainment industry, but also, as a political activist to the Civil Rights Movement and sociocultural movements around the world. Robeson was a well-educated man. He earned an athletic scholarship at Rutgers University and continued...
Posted in Celebrities & People, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 8 Comments »
In mid-March, a small group of Kecharians journeyed to Shar Gaden Monastery in Mundgod, South India with an exciting mission ahead of them. They were on their way to represent His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara in making an offering to all 650 monks of the monastery. The trip was a smooth...
Posted in Current Affairs & News, Dorje Shugden | 10 Comments »
Valentina graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administrations and a minor in Speech Communication from the University of Washington in 2002. After her graduation, Valentina returned to Jakarta, Indonesia to work in one of the Big Four accounting firms. In 13 years, she earned her way to the position of Director in...
Posted in Audio Teachings, Bahasa Indonesia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Great Lamas & Masters | 6 Comments »
I would like to share with you the practice of a very rare and powerful Buddha that you can incorporate into your daily purification practices. While I was looking through a book called Deities of Tibetan Buddhism...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 16 Comments »