Fat Monk
(By Tsem Rinpoche) The story of the Fat Monk is interesting. It originated from China and is supposed to be the future Maitreya Buddha. The story goes that a...
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(By Tsem Rinpoche) The story of the Fat Monk is interesting. It originated from China and is supposed to be the future Maitreya Buddha. The story goes that a...
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(By Tsem Rinpoche) During my birthday in 2010, two student’s of mine from Indonesia surprised me with a lovely birthday present: Betsy Ciaputra and Valentina Suhendra felt that my...
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Source: http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2011/1/1/lifefocus/7613072&sec=lifefocus Source: http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2011/1/1/lifefocus/7613072&sec=lifefocus
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Am I Tsem Rinpoche dreaming that I am a guy from New Jersey or am I a guy from New Jersey dreaming that I am Tsem Rinpoche??? I guess...
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(中文请往下看) I bow to the lotus feet of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. May His powerful presence continue to reside in our world. He gives us the hope, the courage and the faith that Enlightened Beings do exist. I from the humblest depths of my heart wish His Holiness a New Year that is beyond any He has ...
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(By Tsem Rinpoche) Another interesting and heartfelt question from my blog on the public question board I thought I’d share: Dear rinpoche, if i persevere diligently in my practices...
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Jean Ai (white shirt) and Jean Mei are sisters and both work for dharma. They are smart, educated, attractive,hardworking and very nice young girls. They are here by choice...
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I have the right to express my thinking. My thinking has always applied to myself and hence I write about it. My right to express does not intend to...
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Positive relationships sometimes can be wonderful. But you have to remember you are having a relationship with that person. That person is the real object of your positive relationship....
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Do you have a habit that is hard to kick? Are you addicted to something unhealthy? Do you make others suffer because of it? Do you hide it and...
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When someone has to repeat the same thing to you many times over, it means you don’t respect yourself and as a result others. When you consistently forget something...
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Making refined, long and eloquent speeches about why something cannot be done, or why it isn’t done on time, or why it has not been done can only serve...
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I have recently been hearing a lot about a wonderful animal lover and rescue Dr Chan Kah Yein, who is the founder-coordinator of the independent animal initiative called Animal...
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When I met Patsy Gooi in Penang over a decade ago, she was a lady of ease and comfort. She was a nice lady but couldn’t push herself to...
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MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO. MR. James Pearson is a selfless person. You can see how loving, giving and the good energy emanating from Mr. Pearson in this video…VERY INSPIRATIONAL.. Mitchell...
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6-Year-Old AIDS Orphan A-Long Lives Alone In Guangxi by Fauna Guangxi 6-year-old AIDS orphan lives alone, eats rice and vegetables without oil or salt yet still eats with relish...
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When my Mumu was small and being trained, I would come back to the Kitchen area EVERY SINGLE DAY AND IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS. He was hyper, tore...
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Interesting: “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” -Gandhi “Thank you to the people who have walked into my life and made it great...
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This poor dog was found outside KSA (Kechara Saraswati Arts) by Matthew Leung (a 12 y/o Kecharian). Upon seeing the poor female dog who was bleeding, he called Khong...
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Porpoises rescue Dick Van Dyke Thursday 11 November 2010 10.04 GMT Mary Poppins star feared death after apparently falling asleep on his surfboard but friendly sea creatures pushed him...
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This is the kind of place I WOULD DREAM TO LIVE. On top of a hill, with no surrounding villages or people. Green with lots of trees, prayer flags,...
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LOWER TRURO – “Couldn’t happen to a nicer couple. Such was the reaction of Dianne Hayman to news that her next-door neighbours – Allen and Violet Large – were...
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This woman in the video found this lion injured in the forest ready to die. She took the lion with her and nursed the lion back to health. When...
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It has been fulfilling three week trip to the USA for research into my growing up years in different parts of the USA. My past has become our future...
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(By Tsem Rinpoche) This is the original that belonged to my Mom now with my sister. The painting is around 2.5 x 3 inches. It is small and portable....
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I was facebooked this and I AM TOTALLY AMAZED, MOVED AND TOUCHED. Look what this dog is doing..take a look. Even in animals you have selflessness. And you know...
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As most of you all know by now, Kechara Media & Publications is the publishing arm of the Kechara Organization. Kechara Media & Publications is also affectionately known as...
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I really like Krishnamurti. I use to read his books back in Gaden Monastery on my free time. I read him voraciously. It makes sense, it speaks to your...
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My Dearest Lama, On this auspicious day (your birthday 24 October 2010), Betsy and I would like to offer you the first ever Indonesian – English Lama Tsongkhapa site. Please...
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My thoughts: Andrew went the extra mile and overcame his fear of heights to get these picturs as close angle. He went up on the crane to get...
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Sometimes I wonder if people would understand the Dharma as many choose to be stuck in their projections. But then I think again, if I don’t try, what kind of person am...
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(By Tsem Rinpoche) Heart Sutra Body is nothing more than emptiness, emptiness is nothing more than body. The body is exactly empty, and emptiness is exactly body. The...
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“If one’s thoughts towards spirituality were of the same intensity as those towards love, one would become a Buddha in this very body, in this very life.” -From the...
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Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you. ~ Mother Teresa
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“Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta
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“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something...
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Six Thoughts Let go of what has passed. Let go of what may come. Let go of what is happening now. Don’t try to figure anything out. Don’t try...
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“The world around you is a reflection of your reaction to the world around you.” – Dalai Lama.”
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I generally like flowers. I like exotic and unusual lasting flowers. But one ‘normal’ flower I like are roses. I like the big type. That’s fragrant. I really like...
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This is a wonderful article sent to me by Sharon that I would like to share with everyone. Thanks Sharon for a wonderful and inspiring piece. Tsem Rinpoche ...
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I do twitter. I’ve posted quite alot on twitter. So Kechara Media and Publications Dept combined my twitter posts and made it into a book. This book is designed...
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I love the moon coming through the night clouds silhouetted by the mountains. It reminds me that although our lives are sometimes dark and full of apprehension, somehow we...
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At the end of 2009, a Maltese-Shitzu mix fell off the pier into the water in Australia. Out of all the passer-by, a 20 year old model braved the...
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“…….The malignant male and female demons Who create myriad troubles and obstructions, Seem real before one has Enlightenment; But when one realizes their nature truly, They become Protectors of...
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Dear everyone, Please contemplate on these wonderful quotes of wisdom and do something with your habits and become vegetarian now. Don’t say it’s hard, or difficult or give yourself...
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This is a good video interview to watch. Short, sweet and full of direct thoughts from the heart and knowledge. I pray for Ven Tenzin Palmo’s long life and...
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I like the rules Bill Gates came up with up. Very practical. I like all of them except maybe number 11, hehe..nerds are cool, but working for one??? My...
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Dato’ Sri must has been satisfied with the experience we hope. He was happy to pose for a picture with our Director Irene Lim here seen below. How gracious...
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A while ago, Ooi Beng Kooi’s aunt unfortunately passed away. Being a family-orientated person, she was very close to her siblings and expressed before passing away how she would...
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Five Regrets of the Dying By Bronnie Ware Platinum Quality Author For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die....
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Mama Mooi Lan and her daughter Jojo visited our Kechara Paradise Sunway Outlet last month. I was very happy for that. We presented her a new Tsongkapa box. Mama...
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Christoph from Hong Kong left a comment on my blog. And I saw his video. I loved it. I love what he wrote and I love his devotion to...
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Today, Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) is mentioned in The Star newspaper again for helping to reunite a woman with her sister-in-law who has been living on the streets for...
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This inspiring video briefly shows my life and the story behind my Dharma organization– KECHARA, which has 13 wonderful departments, each with its own unique way to spread the...
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Heart to Heart with Teresa Hsu, 112 “My wish is to smile throughout my life,” “Everybody is a brother and sister,” “My religion is LOVE.” The Power...
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(By Tsem Rinpoche) A wonderful prayer to do daily to help us remember reality. Anything by Kyabje Pabongka would be tremendously beneficial. He never existed for himself but only...
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“Being a Liaison entails a lot of responsibility and work as they need to make the Dharma grow and i do have tremendous respect for all the Liaisons in...
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Dear blog friends,
I’ve created this section for all of you to share your opinions, thoughts and feelings about whatever interests you.
Everyone has a different perspective, so this section is for you.
Tsem Rinpoche
Please come and join in the chat for a fun time and support. See you all there.
These are some simple guidelines to make the blog chat room a positive, enjoyable and enlightening experience for everyone. Please note that as this is a chat room, we chat! Do not flood the chat room, or post without interacting with others.
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Give the room a chance to answer you. Patience is a virtue. And if after awhile, people don't respond, perhaps they don't know the answer or they did not see your question. Do ask again or address someone directly. Do not be offended if people do not or are unable to respond to you.
This is the blog of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. Please respect this space. We request that all participants here are respectful of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and his organisation, Kechara.
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Please let this be a conducive space for discussions, both light and profound.
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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
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Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi
I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!
Tsem Rinpoche
H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains Dorje Shugden Initiation and Benefits (With English Subtitles)
Dear everyone... This is a good condensed talk I gave on Guru Yoga of Tsongkapa. This is the one you should share with others when they are interested in a not too lengthy explanation. It is the perfect practice for everyone who wants simplicity yet effective blessings. You can share this with more people, it will be good.
~ Tsem Rinpoche
Powerful Dorje Shugden's mantras
Tsem Rinpoche on National TV's Wesak Day Documentary
'The Promise' book launch featured on NTV7 Primetime
"If you say you don't have money to help a animal shelter, why then do you have money to buy meat?"
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Eating animals is not our God-given right, but being kind to them is."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"What makes us good humans is not how we abuse animals, but how much we allow them to live and be happy freely."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"We need another and wiser and perhaps a more mythical concept of animals.... We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complex than ours they moved finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth."
~ Henry Beston, The Outermost House
"Not eating animals is only unnatural when we are not used to it."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"We may encounter defeat, but we must not be defeated."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"What you are today, is the choice you made yesterday."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"You think you can choose your life? What an ego trip!"
~ Lama Yeshe
"If TODAY you are dissatisfied, you must make the changes to create different results for TOMORROW."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
“Meditating on Dorje Shugden while reciting his mantra will open the gateways to higher dimensions, blessings and protection.”
~ Tsem Rinpoche
“If one does the recitation of the Lama Tsongkhapa guru yoga prayer for even one month using one of the visualizations for great or clear or quick wisdom, one will definitely see development of that wisdom. It is proved by experience. There is no doubt that by doing the Lama Tsongkhapa guru yoga practice one can meet Lama Tsongkhapa’s teachings from life to life. And furthermore, it gives one the opportunity to be born in the pure realm of Lama Tsongkhapa, Tushita, whenever death happens.”
~ Pabongkha Rinpoche
"I was 18 years old in 1983. That was a very special year as I met His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and received innumerable precious teachings and empowerments from Him at Thubten Dhargye Ling Centre in Los Angeles, California. It was the best time of my life. A time that seems so magical and surreal to me. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche is Heruka Buddha and I met Heruka."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"If being me offends you, maybe I'm not the problem."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Never abandon your spiritual teacher no matter how many inner obstacles you need to overcome."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Actions to force something to be permanent makes all the karmas arise."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"The dharma is not easy to listen to… because some people take it as criticism. But Dharma should not be just feel good only for the moment but for deeper contemplations."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Whether we do work and suffer but for others or we do work and suffer for ourselves, either way we have to suffer. That is the nature of samsara. So let us suffer for others and then suffering has meaning."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Those who really want the dharma to grow within themselves and to grow for others should never fear hard work, timing, difficulties, struggles, disappointments because it is for a good cause. Working for Dharma is not a prison or work, but it is purely spiritual practice. It is purely collection of merit and purification. Actually not doing dharma work is the real prison."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"His Holiness Zong Rinpoche stressed the need to continue to practice even when we come up against obstacles, and that we should continually review our progress. He stated that a happy, luxurious life was like a good dream, and that obstacles and difficulties were like a bad dream. We should give them no significance, but simply carry on working towards real, everlasting happiness."
~ Ngala ’ö-Dzin Tridral
"Things in samsara always go wrong. That's its nature. Don't be surprised."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Knowledge never quenches the thirst, only application."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"I pity men who occupy themselves exclusively with the transitory in things and lose themselves in the study of what is perishable, since we are here for this very end-that we may make the perishable imperishable, which we can do only after we have learned how to approach both."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Money amplifies negative characteristics and that can cause problems. To walk away from that was actually very easy. I didn't even consider it."
~ Angeline Francis Khoo
"I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud."
~ Carl Jung
"There is a devil there is no doubt, but is he trying to get into us or trying to get out?"
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"If you love someone, show it by being honest, respectful & honorable with them."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
~ Henry David Thoreau
"If I can just be the way I am & you the way you are & we accept each other, world peace is near."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"I am Asian, you are some other beautiful color. Together we make diversity so beautiful."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"It's amazing how some people have never met me or know who I am, but based on a few things they read here & there & rumours, they have formulated a new personality for me & all the things I've never done they passionately speak about....I find it funny and entertaining now. I guess we can't spend our lives fighting rumours...we just have to work hard & then rumours get proven wrong on it's own as a by product. No point explaining repeatedly. Just do our work & show results!!"
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"There's a difference between patience and laziness. Patience comes from respect while laziness from disrespect of others."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Although outwardly we have so much, we have so many conveniences, inwardly we have become more unhappy, so, acquisition is not the secret to happiness. The more we get, the more we have, the more unhappy we become."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Before we experience any pain, we already had a fixed view of how things should be. When the experience we encounter contradicts our views, then the pain arises. The pain arises due to our fixed views not so much the experience itself. So the secret is changing the views. Re-educating ourselves on our views."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"You know since very young, for better or worse, I always did the things that others told me not to do. I wasn't really good at following the rules. Even now with how I share Dharma and my practice, I just do it the way I think it should be done but I do it sincerely. Not what others tell me what I can and can't do."
~ Tsem Rinpoche
"Love me or hate me, both are in my favor... If you love me, I'll always be in your heart... If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind."
~ William Shakespeare
"One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous or honest."
~ Maya Angelou
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Eugene Lee: Bruneian mima
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To My Dearest Guru Rinpoche, I thank you so much for your compassion and teachings that you give online via youtube and I'm definitely one of thinks of you as ... Read More Holla from Brunei! Everytime when I land in a state of confusion, here is where I seek my guidance. Thank you so much Rinpoche for this wonderful blog. I love ... Read More It is so wonderful to have a connection with you all at Kechara and with Rinpoche. Today I have a very negative day produce by my thoughts so tonight I ... Read More