An 8 Year Old Boy With A Mission

A young child with cancer, happy to receive donated hair which will be converted into a wig
What were you doing when you were eight-years-old? Most of us probably spent it having fun without a care in the world, but this special boy, Christian McPhilamy, grew his hair long over a span of two-and-a-half years so that he could donate it to children with cancer. What a kind child!
Some may think, what is so difficult about growing out one’s hair for a good cause? The reality is, it is tough. Due to society’s views of how a young boy should look, Christian had to endure much bullying, name calling, and other de-motivators, just because he was a boy with long hair.
However, nothing could deter this kind boy from fulfilling his promise to donate his hair towards the making of wigs for children with cancer. The constant bullying, teasing name-calling and discouragement from both children and adults alike did not make him cut his hair prematurely.
I wanted to share this inspiring story of Christian and his amazing determination to help children with cancer. His resolve is a shining example of not letting others pull us down with negative speech, especially when we are trying to do something good. As for parents, it is never too early to teach your children to help others.
I hope Christian’s story will inspire many people and also parents to guide their children towards the development of kindness and a good attitude from an early age.
Tsem Rinpoche
This 8-Year-Old Was Bullied For 2 Years While Growing His Hair Long To Make Wigs For Kids With Cancer
2 and a half years ago, then-6-year-old Christian McPhilamy decided to grow his hair long. He was teased at school and often mistaken for a girl, but he never changed his mind because he had a very special goal – to donate 10-inch-long locks of his hair to make wigs for children being treated for cancer.
When he was 6, McPhilamy, who lives in Florida, was inspired by a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital advertisement that he saw on TV. “Some people tried to call me a girl,” McPhilamy told Florida Today. He said this made him feel “not very good,” but that never stopped him from completing his mission and donating his hair to Children With Hair Loss.
Christian McPhilamy endured bullying for 2 1/2 years to grow his hair long for a very special purpose
He wanted to donate it to make wigs for kids suffering from cancer
Some kids teased him and called him a girl when they saw his hair
Even adults tried to encourage him to cut his hair…
…But most apologized when he refused and explained his mission
The bullying made Christian feel “not very good,” but that didn’t stop him!
After 2 1/2 years, his parents cut off his hair in 4 10-inch ponytails and donated them to Children With Hair Loss
Christian is an excellent example for each and every one of us!
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Thank you for the inspiring posting, of the little Christian and his amazing determination to help children with cancer. This kind hearted boy has to go through a lot of hassle to fulfill his mission. I felt so proud for Christian and also to his great parents to guide the little boy towards the development of kindness and a good attitude from an early age.
Truly inspiring and motivating to see an 8 year old boy with such a meaningful mission! Hope to see more people have a kind and compassionate heart from a young age. Thank you very much Rinpoche for such a wonderful sharing👍😘👏
Christian is a very unique and kind-hearted child, I’m very glad to read about this.It’s amazing to know that a boy at such a young age could ever think of keeping his hair to help others.He will be a great leader some day having such a beautiful heart.
Love and compassion make everyone happy, even when alone, and also make one feels wanted and alive! Most important of all, it makes even the toughest environment “friendly, harmonious and peaceful!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. Christian is such a kind hearted boy. Just imagine a 6 years old boy has to endure all the teasing for growing long hair with the purpose of donating it to the cancer patients. Other parents should teach their kids to take Christian as an example and be good, kind and always help others. If adults do not teach their kids from young then it will be very hard to change them when they are older.
With folded palms,
Christian has a big heart and I really rejoice for him. At a very young age he already has a so compassionate heart, willing to go through the bullying in order to keep his long hair. Not many people would want to go through any forms of hardship for the benefit of others. May his story continue to inspire many more people to give and be compassion.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story about the eight year old boy who grew his hair for 2.5 years and endured bullying for the sake of others. I could see his perseverance and this boy having survived this challenge will grow into a kindhearted and strong minded person who does not easily give up. I sincerely pray that this boy will continue to be inspired to benefit others.
I don’t think that parents should guide their kids to do something like this in his age. He had a hard time in school and he did not feel very well. He did make some girls happy, but there are other ways to get extensions.
Christian’s story inspire each and everyone of us.It’s amazing to know that a boy at such a young age could ever think of keeping his hair to help others.He will be a great leader some day having such a beautiful heart.
Thank you Rinpoche for such a inspiring article.
It is indeed refreshing and inspiring to read this article. Christian McPhilamy’s kindness, compassion and determination shines through even at a young age. It really goes to show that there are really no limits with 100% determination.
Christian is indeed very inspirational, it’s amazing to know that a boy could think and do so much at such a young age, he has set a great example of how children nowadays should be.
As our living standard is rising, the newer generation is becoming more materialistic and of course this is not anyone’s fault, but in my opinion, I still do think that parents play a very important role in their lives. People always say that children are the reflections of their own parents, through observation, I find this saying to be true.
Christian is a very unique and kind-hearted child, I’m very glad to read about this. I rejoice for such a great deed and his parents have succeeded, they raise him up well.
When I read about this little boy, the first thing that comes to mind is what did his parents do to raise their son to think in this way? They have raised a boy who is willing to put his discomfort aside for the sake of benefiting others.
Some might say, “Well, it’s just a little boy, no need to be so dramatic” but think back to when you were eight years old. At the age of eight, did you have the presence of mind to think of such a creative way to help others? Did you even think about helping others?
So when the child starts young like this, it bodes very well for their future because it means they can think big and they can think beyond themselves, even at such a young age.
Recently, I have been reading many articles about young children doing similar acts. For example, the media recently covered the story of a young boy who donated US$20 to Syrian refugees when he heard how much they are suffering. He had been saving up his money to buy an iPad but decided they needed his money more so he donated it. To me, this reflects that a child’s natural state of mind is kindness because their ability to make sacrifices for the sake of others from a young age.
It’s especially important that parents nurture this aspect of their children because anyone can teach them maths, reading, history, geography, etc. But all of these are *skills* and *knowledge*, and they are not the development of character or quality of being. Rinpoche actually previously gave a talk about this here which some may find interesting:
It is truly amazing the young Christian’s determination with regards to the cause the he is working for. Despite the name calling that he experiences, he did not give up.
What he has done at this young age, is really admirable. Even when people criticise how he looks, it hurt him, but the power of it is not string enough for him to give up what he wants to do. What I really like that Christian has done is that when people say something negative to him, he took it as a chance to share with others what he is doing to help.
Through the example of Christian it shows that it is not the amount of donation that you can provide, instead, it is the thought and determination that you fight for to give back to the society. It also tells us that there is no starting too early.
I am very happy to have read about this post as it shows the world that no matter who you are, how young you are, we will still be able to do something for a cause as long as we take that step forward.
To think at such a tender age and to carry out his gift of compassion for others he did not meet could mean he has practiced compassion in his previous life. What an inspiration.
Amazing, just amazing.
As a child, social appearance is rather important so avoid problems like bullying in school. But because of Christians mission, he sacrifices his school life to help others. He was bullied and was called a girl, but that never stopped him from doing what was right. That is true determination. When others try to put you down and yet you stay strong with what you believe in.
Its amazing that someone so young can inspire so many people and can think so big. With a mind like his, innocent, caring, he can change the world. If all people thought like him, there would be peace. I can only imagine the matured, compassionate adult he is going to become. I can already tell he is going to touch many people with his kindness.
Christian McPhilamy 可以被称为很懂事的小男孩。他因为一个广告,不在乎其他人的眼光,而下定决心要留长头发,然后将此头发捐赠予那些少头发和需要的小孩.
1)I have actually read about this story even before Rinpoche posted it on Facebook. It is really touching what and how much an 8 year old boy would endure so that he is able to donate hair to other kids just to give them the feelings of having hairs again and asks for nothing back.
2)How many people in the world would actually do this for someone they don’t even know? I believe not many. I realised that the older we grow, the more we hide our true feelings and the less compassionate we become. When I was younger, I would give a lot of my pocket money to homeless people and sometimes I would even give them all of it but now, I would give less and I would only give money to certain homeless people.
3)What I am trying to say is: “I personally feel that the older we get, the colder we become but it can also be regained if we constantly practice it with a virtuous mind”. Compassion is one of the most important thing we must have in life, it will determine what types of people will become our friends, how many people would hate us and etc. It is such a big thing that even most of the religions practices it.
This boy is a true inspiration to me and he is not only doing it for the right thing but he has all the right morals and features of a healthy and good boy and life. For one thing, he could withstand bullying and peer pressure to not cut his hair for so long for the right thing which he believed in which also goes against peer pressure. He was not afraid of being different and he is inspiring that way.
One thing which I am curious about, why do people have to bully him for being different. He is unique and if anything, people shouldn’t bully him because of his really good and untouchable motives. Why is society so narrow minded. Every society in every country must have a way and the fact that this boy can be criticized for being unique is like society doesn’t want original people and they want brianless and unoriginal zombies to be the future. We cannot bring kids up this way to think that there is only one way. Let them thrive and believe in what they want but of course that has to be healthy for them too.
How did an 8 year old boy even have these thoughts? His parents and he are champions and I want to shake their and his hands because it is so rare to find such a pure thing in these times because due to many kids being spoiled, not being brought up right and just down right rotten like many people today. It is difficult to find someone that can defy others to get the great god. Respect to this child
Just an 8 year old boy, Christian McPhilamy who started by being so kind, honest, and geniunely straightforward and caring torwards those less fortunate then him. So young, yet already following the precious golden teaching of Lord Buddha, which said, “avoiding wrong doing, do good and purify the mind, this is the teaching of Buddhas.” What this wonderful boy did was so beautifully touching that would have deeply impressed so many people’s hearts and minds with great happiness and appreciation. In today’s tough mental and hard environment, the practice of love and compassion is all the more needed in society. Love and compassion make everyone happy, even when alone, and also make one feels wanted and alive! Most important of all, it makes even the toughest environmet “friendly, harmonious and peaceful!” Christian McPhilamy will certainly inspire many people, Om Mani Padme Hung.
Reading about this 8 year old kid growing long hair for kids who are cancer stricken and have no hair.
When I read this post earlier, I was just lost for words as I never thought of an idea like this and how a (then 6 year old) kid like Christian McPhilamy managed to think of such an idea after watching a TV advertisement by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
I really like how he doesn’t let bullies and haters pull him down and make him think of giving up. Despite how much criticism and hate he’s getting, he refuses to stop growing long hair for kids with cancer and that itself shows true determination and courage.
Thank you Rinpoche how sharing this heartwarming post!
What did I do in my 8 years old? I did not do something meaningful like this boy did!
But what I can do now is not to simply pass judgement to something “uncommon” to my eyes, my culture, my education background or my faith.
Try to let go of at least some of my fixated perspective about how the world should be…try to accept a bit more even I don’t understand, even I have “retrieved” all the knowledge stored in my brain…Be brave and be different in helping others.
Thank you my Guru for sharing of this post. May my Guru has a nice day 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring story. Against all odds this boy has to withstand the abuses and obstacles to achieve his goals. He managed to keep his long hair, save it and donated to the cancer victims who needed it most. What a noble act !.
Leonard Ooi(Kechara Penang)
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring and good qualities of this boy whom had a very big and generous heart. May Christian be showers of blessing from Three Jewels and may he continue to benefit others. He is one of exemplary example we should be follows and imbued towards our children as well.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you telling us about this amazing boy, so courageous and determined to do what’s right. 🙂 You were right to say that he’s a shining example for all of us. To be able to withstand verbal abuse from both his age group as well as the age group of his parents is really astonishing. 🙂 The world needs more people like him.
Your humble student,
Keng Hwa
No doubt Christian McPhilamy is so strong in his selfless motivation that no one can derail him from his goal, which is to benefit other less fortunate kids with cancer and no hair. I truly believe that not many of us can sacrifice our ego and willingly endure all the negative feedback from the people around us in order to benefit others, whom are unknown to us.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring article on this blog. Upon my understanding from this blog, there should be no limit being set by any sincere practitioner when come to helping those less fortunate people. Christian McPhilamy has done it. Rejoice for him!
Dear Rinpoche,
wow.. his compassion have conquered all- fear, feeling of embarrass , being tease, bullied, talk by people. Yet the only concerned that Christian McPhilamy have was to give happiness to the cancer kids. I admired his courage and kindness, his determine to fulfilled his promise. This is really rare in current age.
Thank you Rinpoche for this nice story
With folded hand
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring story. Wow! At age 6, Christian McPhilamy was already manifesting such a kind and compassionate heart. He was ready to grow his hair long so that he could provide the hair to make wigs for children with cancer who had undergone therapy and needed the wigs.
Such a kind and brave young boy is Christian, who withstood the bullying from youngsters for keeping his hair long!
This is so inspiring. Christian McPhilamy defied all who teased him of his long hair for a worthy cause. It certainly wasn’t easy but he was brave, stable and determined to go through this incredible feat!!!!
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring news:)
What a nice long hair he has kept. This kid is so inspiring and he has the steel of resolve. It is certainly not easy when you’re being call a girl and wanting to being acknowledge as a boy. Fortunately his parents didn’t discourage him for completing his mission because parents have a large influence on their kids.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this peace of wonderful news.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing,
The young boy’s kind heart, compassion and determination inspired me so much. I wish I have the kind heart like him and always care for others.
Thank you
Best regards,
Pee Bee Chong
Really inspiring story!
He’s a happy kid with the kindest heart who felt for others.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
With folded hands.
Thank You for sharing this! Incredibly inspiring. I rejoice in this “child’s” courage, patience, and determination. Actually he’s an adult (mature individual) in a child’s body whereas so many “adults” are children with stretched out skin. : )
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing of such an inspiring story of Christian McPhilamy .For a young boy at the age of 6 ,he have already displayed a strong sense of wisdom,compassion and generosity. The most remarkable feat of this boy is that he was able to keep his pledge intact in order to benefit others.
Christian McPhilamy certainly earn the respect of many who are much older but not wiser the him.His determination would put many of us to shame when we meet up with the slightest obstacles.For such a young child who could stay firm on a believe after being ridicule repeatedly by ignorant adult are truly rare.
We certainly hope that there would be more of these rare gifted children to inspire those who are ignorant to the suffering of those less fortunate…
What an inspiring young boy. His motivation to donate hair to children with cancer was never deterred by whatever teasing and humiliation that he had to endure at the age of only 6 years. His commitment to his mission is awesome.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.