Photo Album: Taiwan – Where I was born…
Mar 8, 2010 | Views: 1,542
I was born on 24th October 1965 in Taiwan. My mother, Mongolian Princess Torgut Noyen, Dewa Nimbo whose family had escaped from Mongolia to Taiwan met my father, Lobsang Gyatso, who was managing a Tibetan school for refugees in Taiwan.
My mother became involved with my father not knowing that he already had a wife and children in Tibet. When my mother found out about his first family, she separated from my father even before I was born. However, the shame of having an illegitimate child especially as she was a royal princess led her to give me away for adoption as soon as I was born. It was not easy for her at the time. Many of her countrymen were criticizing her. I understand what it would have been like for my mother and I wish she can heal from that.
These are photos of my time growing up in Taiwan… the house of the family I was given away to, the school I studied at and the people that took care of me.
Do take a look, these are the earliest photos that I have of me and my birth parents.
Tsem Rinpoche
My Mother, Dewa Nimbo is of royal Mongolian lineage. Her bloodline can be traced back to the legendary Genghis Khan.
My father Lobsang Gyatso is a great disciple of H.H. the Panchen Lama and a supporter of H.H. the 14th ...
I was born in the Taiwan General Hospital in Taipei on the 24th October 1965.
When my mother was pregnant with me, she experienced pleasant dreams of a baby elephant wandering into her garden and ...
Just before giving birth to me, my mother dreamt of a white elephant entering her side and of many high ...
When I was 7 months old, monks from a nearby monastery recognised me as an incarnate Lama and requested that ...
My parents parted ways and my grandmother, Dechen Minh placed me under the care of Shi Mama for $50 a ...
Shi Mama had 3 sons of her own and she had her own personal problems. I remember her sons were ...
There were many times that I would be punished, beaten or made to kneel on rice all night by Shi ...
This horse was given to me by my grandmother Dechen Minh. I loved this horse very much but Shi Mama ...
This picture was taken when I was 6 years old and standing in front of the Chiang Kai Shek bust ...
When I was in Taiwan, I used to speak in Mandarin and was a member of the sprint team.
The 2nd floor of this white corner building (where it's overgrown with stray plants), is where I lived until I ...
One of my earliest memories of Taipei was walking down the streets and being attracted to stage sets, temples and ...
Since it was not easy at home, I often wandered the streets of Taipei after school in search of food ...
I don't remember much of Taiwan, but I do remember Kuan Mama and her brother's kindness.
My mother requested her classmate, Kuan Mama to look out for me. She would sometimes come to take me out ...
This is another photo of Kuan Mama and I. I remember going on trips to the hot springs in the ...
This is Kuan Mama's brother and I. He used to buy me toys, take me to men's public baths and ...
Apart from the showers, Kuan Mama and her brother would often buy me toys and clothes.
Here's another picture of me and Mr. Kuan who used to visit me together with Kuan Mama while I was ...
Kuan Mama and her brother would often come to where I stayed and take me to their home in the ...
My beautiful mother with what looks like a giant mushroom behind her! She has such a nice smile
My father with H.H. the Panchen Lama.
My father, Lobsang Gyatso
An artistic shot of my mother, I wonder what she was looking at
The Princess Dewa Nimbo, my mother in Taiwan
My birth mother in Taiwan. She looks very happy and relaxed here. My mother met my birth father in Taiwan, ...
My mother was known to be very elegant and always properly and well-dressed
My grandfather Migyur Wang, ruler of Xianjiang and descendent from Genghis Khan
My grandmother Dechen Minh. She s the typeof grandmother everyone can hope for. She was incredibly generous and loving to ...
My grandmother, the Queen of Xinjiang, Dechen Minh in traditional Tibetan dress
My grandparents had two children. One boy and one girl. The girl was my mother Dewa Nimbo. Her brother is ...
My mother, the Princess Dewa Nimbo, when she was younger. Even during her school days, she was very beautiful.
In deep prayer. The Kalmyks were and still are very devout Buddhists, and they have prayer rooms in their houses. ...
Kuan Mama recently told me that I was a very happy, friendly, intelligent, and extremely playful kid. She remembers me ...
For once you can't see my face in this photograph!
Just give me some milk and I would be alright
I look like I am trying to say something but just baby babble came out of my mouth
I look surprisingly alert for an eight month old baby, don't you think?
I am glad I went through all that suffering as a child because it trained me to appreciate kindness and ...
I was very adorable as a child sitting on my rattan throne
I would eventually have to get accustomed to a lot of difficulty
I have been told that I was a robust healthy young boy and people would call me 'ah niu' (little ...
Coming back to samsara is not really part of my gameplan
I love smiling at adults because it made them so happy to see me
I don't really see why this royal shoe tastes so yummy
I had a knack for modeling even when I was a baby
Why I look so happy in this photo? I don't like the ocean or swimming pools at all
I was the perfect baby model, always good at focusing at the camera
I always knew I was different from other people
I was such a happy child in the playground
As a child I loved to play on the swings when Kuan Mama and her brother brought me to the ...
I was always smiling as a child, and loved to play
I often wandered the streets hungry and alone, and even had to beg for food at times
The times with Kuan Mama and her brother were the best I had in Taiwan.
I would make a very bad soldier, I wouldn't want to kill anyone.
Here is my folded royal parasol
Don't I look like a pure innocent little boy here?
I will really shoot myself if I have to grow up, get a degree, marry and have children
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Well, I feel sad, reading this about your life when you were a child, Rinpoche.
i had the best business idea last night i wrote it on my wall with a black texta my wife really does not like it so much it takes at least seven coats of paint to cover it up i did the first three coats and i hope to go the local hardware store to buy a matching can of paint any way here is my business idea it is called THE RULER OF LIFE
any one can buy one they come cheap and on it you can begin marking your origination i suggest you start with your own birth date and then you mark your own guessed death date on the ruler of life as a result of where you are now ( its simple mathematics mixed with a little spice ) then you take the time to think about all the things you know from behind the mark you are now and then you take time to think about all the things you want to know or do after the mark on the ruler of life that is now ( wow thats difficult numbers maybe maths does not cover it ) any way i thnk you can sell at least one billion of of them if you are a good strategist and market minded person