Precious Teachings from the Land of the Long White Cloud

Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Dunedin, New Zealand.
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey (1921 – 1995) was a great Buddhist master who founded Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Dunedin, New Zealand in 1984. During his lifetime, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey had invited his close students and high incarnate lamas, Venerable Jampa Thupten Rinpoche (Thupten Rinpoche) (1941 – 2011) and Venerable Lhagon Rinpoche (Lhagon Rinpoche), to come and teach at the centre, and therefore, started the tradition of inviting qualified teachers from well-known monastic institutions. By doing this, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey had ensured that the teachings and initiations that were given at Dhargyey Buddhist Centre and its affiliates were pure and endowed with the blessings of the lineage masters. After Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey’s and Thupten Rinpoche’s passing, Lhagon Rinpoche became the spiritual head of Dhargyey Buddhist centre and its affiliates in New Zealand.
The geshes and masters from Dhargyey Buddhist Centre and its affiliates have delivered teachings of various topics (e.g., Lamrim, Buddhist Tenets, Drupta, Lorig (Mind and Awareness), the Wheel of Sharp Weapons, Guided Meditation, etc.) to the centres’ members and friends. Realising that these precious teachings would benefit and plant the seeds of enlightenment in many people’s minds, the centres’ members have made many recording of these teachings available on their websites. Some of the recorded teachings from selected periods have been made accessible in this article.
1. About Dhargyey Buddhist Centre and Its Affiliates
Dhargyey Buddhist Centre was established in 1984 under the guidance of the late Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey in Dunedin, New Zealand. Since its inauguration, Dhargyey Buddhist Centre has actively disseminated Buddhist teachings from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism with the emphasis on Je Tsongkhapa Tradition. Today, Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Dunedin is affiliated with three other Buddhist centres, which are located in various parts of New Zealand:
- Christchurch (Phen Day Dhargyey Ling)
- Tauranga (Tho Sam Dhargyey Ling)
- Whangarei (Jam Tse Dhargyey Ling)
In addition to the above, there are three sub branches of Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Whakatane, Morrinsville, and Takaka.
2. Resident Teachers’ Profiles
The followings are the brief backgrounds of the selected resident teachers at Dhargyey Buddhist Centre and its affiliates.
2.1 Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey

Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey (1921 – 1995)
Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey was born in Kham Province, Tibet in 1921. When he was a child, he received pre-novice ordination vows at Dhargyey Monastery, a local Gelug institution. Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey also studied at Lona Gonpa, a local Sakya Monastery, where he enhanced his reading and writing skills and learned about various Buddhist scriptures and practises. During this period, he received teachings and instructions from two of his uncles and Kushu Gonpa Rinpoche, who was the master of all five major fields of learning.

Sera Monastery in Lhasa, Tibet.
When he was 18 years old, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey joined the great Sera Monastery in Lhasa where he learned about Buddhist Philosophy, Logic, Middle Way, Perfection of Wisdom, Ethical Discipline, and Metaphysics from illustrious masters and scholars such as Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Bakri Rinpoche, Lhatsun Rinpoche, Gonsar Rinpoche, Gen Sherab Wangchuk, Gen Chotse, and others. At the age of 19, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey became a qualified scriptural teacher and started to have students of his own. Two years later, he received full ordination vows from Purchog Jamgön Rinpoche. During this period, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey also performed many intensive retreats in various hermitages near Sera Monastery.
In 1957, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey was appointed as a tutor to two incarnate lamas, Lhagon Rinpoche and Thupten Rinpoche. Two years later, during the Tibetan Uprising in 1959, the three of them escaped from Tibet to join His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in India. The dangerous journey took approximately ten months, and they managed to reach India in December 1959. Before resuming his study and teaching duties, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey went on a pilgrimage to several holy Buddhist sites in India.
In the mid-1960s, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey and 55 other scholars, attended Acarya course to prepare them to be great Buddhist masters and wrote textbooks for Tibetan refugee schools in Mussoorie, a hill station located in the foothills of the Garhwal Himalayan mountain range. Upon the completion of the Acarya course, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey returned to his teaching duties and taught seven incarnate lamas. He passed the oral examination in Buxa refugee camp with the highest grade and obtained a Geshe Lharampa degree.

Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala, India.
In 1971, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama requested him to start a program to teach Westerners at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala, India. During his tenure in the library, he gave extensive teachings to thousands of Westerners with the assistance of two of his students, Sharpa Rinpoche and Kamlung Rinpoche, who served as his translators. In this period, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey also received extensive teachings from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and his tutors, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Ling Rinpoche.
In 1982, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey became a visiting professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, the United States, for one semester. After completing his tenure at the University of Washington, he went on a one-year extensive teaching tour to various Buddhist centres in North America, Australia, and Europe. During this tour, he spent six weeks in New Zealand, and by the end of the visit, many Buddhist devotees requested Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey to stay and establish a Buddhist centre there.

Portobello Peace Stupa that was built to commemorate Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey.
In 1985, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama advised Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey to stay in New Zealand for 1.5 years and establish a Buddhist centre. Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey agreed. He went to New Zealand and established Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Dunedin. Because his Buddhist centre was successful and attracted many to the Buddhist path, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey decided to stay and teach at that centre. He resided in Dunedin for the remainder of his life although he occasionally went on teaching tours to Australia and other parts of New Zealand. In February 1995, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey gave his last formal teaching in Dunedin.
On 11 August 1995, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey entered tukdam (clear light meditation) and remained in that state for three days. Lhagon Rinpoche, presided over this great master’s funerary rites. In 1996, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama consecrated the Portobello Peace Stupa that was built to commemorate Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey.
2.2 Thupten Rinpoche

Thupten Rinpoche (1941 – 2011)
Thupten Rinpoche was born on 4 June 1941 in Tsethang, Tibet. When he was three years old, Purchog Jamgön Rinpoche, who was believed to be the emanation of Maitreya, recognised Thupten Rinpoche as the reincarnation of a lama from Samdrub Monastery in Trehor district, Tibet. Purchog Jamgön Rinpoche became Thubten Rinpoche’s first teacher and gave him the pre-novice ordination vows and a long-life initiation.
When he was four years old, Thupten Rinpoche joined the monastery of his previous incarnation, Samdrub Monastery, where he received instructions on reading, writing, and other training from Gen Rinchen Tseten. At six years old, he received novice ordination vows from the former abbot of Dhargyey Monastery, Geshe Jampa Khedrub, who gave him the name Jampa Thupten. Geshe Jampa Khedrub also gave his young student various teachings and initiations such as the initiations of Guhyasamaja, Heruka, and Vajrabhairava, and the commentary of Lamrim. In addition, Thupten Rinpoche received Putri Barwa initiation from Pontsang Tulku of Sershul Monastery.
When he was 16 years old, Thupten Rinpoche entered the great Sera Monastery to learn about Buddhist philosophy and practice. In this monastery, he met with his root teacher, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, who cared for him like a parent for his only child. In addition, Thupten Rinpoche received many teachings and initiations from other illustrious masters as follows:
- From Trijang Rinpoche, he received teachings on Lamrim, a commentary to Gaden Lhagyama and the initiations of Guhyasamaja, Heruka, Vajrabhairava, Kun Rig, as well as other teachings and initiations.
- From Lhatsun Rinpoche, he received the initiations of Mahakala, White Tara, Vaishravana, the Thirteen Golden Dharmas of the Sakya tradition, as well as other teachings and initiations.
- From Lop Tengyal Rinpoche, he received the initiations of Avalokiteshvara and Tara.
- From Gen Yeshe Wangdu, he received teachings on logic and debate.
During the Tibetan Uprising in February 1959, Thupten Rinpoche escaped Tibet together with his root teacher, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, and his dharma brother, Lhagon Rinpoche. It took them ten months to reach India safely in December 1959. Once Thupten Rinpoche settled in India, he began learning English language, Tibetan grammar, and poetry. He also received teachings on Lamrim and commentaries on various Buddhist treatises and philosophy from Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey.
In 1961, Thupten Rinpoche received full ordination vows from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. In 1964, His Holiness advised him to join the newly established training college to enhance his skills and knowledge in Tibetan grammar, poetry, religious history, Buddhist philosophy, world history, elementary science, and psychology. After he had completed this training program in 1967, Thupten Rinpoche started to teach philosophy, Buddhist history, Tibetan language, poetry composition, and grammar to Tibetan refugees for 28 years until 10 August 1995. Throughout his teaching career in India, he has held various teaching positions (i.e., a primary school teacher, a tenth-grade teacher, and a post-graduate teacher). During this period, Thupten Rinpoche performed many retreats and received initiations and teachings from Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, and Gyume Kensur Ogyen Tseten.
On 7 March 1996, Thupten Rinpoche joined Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in Dunedin, New Zealand as a resident teacher at the invitation of Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey. Thupten Rinpoche entered tukdam on 24 May 2011 and stayed in that state for 18 days.
2.3 Lhagon Rinpoche

Lhagon Rinpoche
Lhagon Rinpoche was born in Shingtsang Nang Village, Tehor District, Tibet on 10 June 1942. When he was a child, Purchog Jamgön Rinpoche recognized Lhagon Rinpoche as an incarnate lama. Together with Thupten Rinpoche, Lhagon Rinpoche entered Samdrub Monastery and was taken care of by Gen Rinchen Tseten. When he was fifteen years old, Lhagon Rinpoche entered Sera Monastery and was tutored by Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey. During the Tibetan Uprising in 1959, Lhagon Rinpoche together with Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, and Thupten Rinpoche escaped from Tibet. They managed to arrive safely in India ten months later.
In 1962, the Tibetan Government in Exile instructed Lhagon Rinpoche to attend a teacher training course in Dharamsala. In 1965, Lhagon Rinpoche was assigned to teach grammar, history, dialectics, poetry, and philosophy at an orphan boarding school in Dharamsala. In 1973, Lhagon Rinpoche moved to teach in Mussoorie. In 1979, Lhagon Rinpoche was selected to join a three-month educational tour to Tibet. During this visit, Lhagon Rinpoche had the opportunity to stay with his biological family in Kham for several days.
In February 1998, Lhagon Rinpoche came to New Zealand and joined Dhargyey Buddhist Centre as a resident teacher. Currently, Lhagon Rinpoche is the spiritual head of Dhargyey Buddhist Centre and its affiliates.
2.4 Geshe Nyima Dorjee

Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Geshe Nyima Dorjee is a resident teacher at Dhargyey Buddhist Centre’s affiliate in Christchurch (Phen Day Dhargyey Ling). He obtained his Geshe degree from Sera Jey Monastery after 20 years of intensive study. Geshe Nyima Dorjee had received teachings from many great masters such as His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Gyume Kensur Ogyen Tseten, Venerable Kensur Kangurwa Lobsang Thupten, and Venerable Khenpo Lobsang Palden. Prior to coming to New Zealand, Geshe Nyima Dorjee had taught younger monks at Sera Jey Monastery.
In April 2008, Geshe Nyima Dorjee came to New Zealand and joined Dhargyey Buddhist Centre as a resident teacher. In December 2010, at the request of the centre members, Geshe Nyima Dorjee moved to Christchurch and became the resident teacher in this centre.
Geshe Nyima Dorjee is known for his selfless devotion to his teachers and the community. With his humorous, amiable, and outgoing personality, he has been successful in adapting his teaching style and became a well-loved teacher to his students in New Zealand.
2.5 Geshe Jampa Tenzin

Geshe Jampa Tenzin
On 8 January 2011, Geshe Jampa Tenzin came to New Zealand to join Dhargyey Buddhist Centre as a resident teacher. During his tenure, Geshe Jampa Tenzin had shown his extensive knowledge by giving intensive teachings on various topics such as Lamrim, Drupta, meditation, etc. Unfortunately, due to other pressing commitments, Geshe Jampa Tenzin had to return to India in September 2013.
2.6 Geshe Sangey Thinley
Geshe Sangey Thinley
Geshe Sangey Thinley was born in Kham Province, Tibet in March 1941. He entered Dhargyey Monastery when he was seven years old to commence his monastic education. In 1957, he entered Sera Monastery in Tibet to continue his study. In 1959, Geshe Sangey Thinley received his novice ordination vows from Trijang Rinpoche at Norbulingka Palace. Unfortunately, he had to leave Tibet shortly after this auspicious occasion due to the heated conflict between China and Tibet. Together with many other Tibetans, Geshe Sangey Thinley escaped to Buxa, India, where he resumed his study on Madhyamaka, Prajnaparamita, and other subjects. In 1969, Geshe Sangey Thinley followed His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s advice to move to South India to help establish Sera Monastery. In 1973, upon the completion of Sera Monastery’s construction, he resumed his study. In 1990, he successfully passed the necessary examinations and obtained his Geshe degree. Upon the completion of his study, Geshe Sangey Thinley continued to teach logic, Buddhist philosophy and practice to the younger monks at Sera Je Monastery. He was also responsible for looking after approximately 80 students at his monastery to ensure their basic mundane needs (e.g., food and shelter) were sufficiently fulfilled. In 1998, Geshe Sangey Thinley went on the pilgrimages in Tibet and was able to visit the monastery of his childhood, Dhargyey Monastery.
On 1 October 1999, Geshe Sangey Thinley went to New Zealand to join the newly established Jam Tse Dhargyey Ling in Whangarei, New Zealand as a resident teacher.
Disclaimer: These videos belong to a third party. These videos are not being used for any commercial purposes and easily available on the internet for free download from various sources. We only organised it better and created another source here where they can be further available to benefit many. They are being used for educational purposes only. After many months of hard work in cleaning, organising and uploading the videos, it is our wish that the teachings of the incomparable Venerable Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey and other masters will reach many more people. The more people the teachings of these great masters reach, the more suffering will be reduced. This is our sincere hope at Kechara, and therefore, we like to collect and present teachings from all masters around the world. Teachings are so necessary for this day and age, and we dedicate the merits to this in that Venerable Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey’s wishes will come true, and all will sit at Maitreya’s feet in the future.
2009 Teaching Index
- 3.1 Lorig: Mind and Awareness
- 3.2 Lamrim Jampell Zhallung
- 3.3 Guided Meditation
- 3.4 Three Principal Aspects of the Path
- 3.5 Taking Refuge
3.1 Lorig: Mind and Awareness
Lorig: Mind and Awareness Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 23 February 2009
Or view the video on the server at:
Lorig: Mind and Awareness Part 2 – 29
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
3.2 Lamrim Jampell Zhallung
Lamrim Jampell Zhallung Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 26 February 2009
Or view the video on the server at:
Lamrim Jampell Zhallung Part 2 – 36
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
3.3 Guided Meditations
Guided Meditation Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 1 March 2009
Or view the video on the server at:
Guided Meditation Part 2 – 35
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
3.4 Three Principal Aspects of the Path
Three Principal Aspects of the Path Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 10 April 2009
Or view the video on the server at:
Three Principal Aspects of the Path Part 2 – 3
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Part# | Date | Links to the videos |
Part 2 | 11 April 2009 | |
Part 3 | 12 April 2009 | |
3.5 Taking Refuge
Taking Refuge
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: Unknown
Or view the video on the server at:
2010 Teaching Index
- 4.1 Lamrim Jampell Zhallung
- 4.2 Guided Meditation
- 4.3 Four Classes of Refuge
- 4.4 Transmission of Several Mantras
- 4.5 Drawbacks of Attachment to Sensory Objects. Importance of Faith in Three Jewels. How these Support Development of Calm Abiding
- 4.6 Tenets
4.1 Lamrim Jampell Zhallung
Lamrim Jampell Zhallung Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 25 February 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Lamrim Jampell Zhallung Part 2 – 28
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
4.2 Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 25 April 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Guided Meditation Part 2 – 19
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
4.3 Four Classes of Refuge (i.e., Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Tantra)
Four Classes of Refuge Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 21 March 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Four Classes of Refuge Part 2
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Part# | Date | Links to the videos |
Part 2 | 11 April 2010 | |
4.4 Transmission of Several Mantras
Transmission of Several Mantras
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 14 March 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
4.5 Drawbacks of Attachment to Sensory Objects. Importance of faith in Three Jewels. How these support development of calm abiding
Drawbacks of Attachment to Sensory Objects. Importance of Faith in Three Jewels. How These Support Development of Calm Abiding Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 21 February 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Drawbacks of Attachment to Sensory Objects. Importance of Faith in Three Jewels. How These Support Development of Calm Abiding Part 2 – 3
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Part# | Date | Links to the videos |
Part 2 | 28 February 2010 | |
Part 3 | 7 March 2010 | |
4.6 Tenets
Tenets Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 22 February 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Tenets Part 2 – 34
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
2011 Teaching Index
- 5.1 Maitreya
- 5.2 Venerable Thupten Rinpoche’s Life and Accomplishments
- 5.3 Sunday Meditation
- 5.4 Tenets
- 5.5 Lojong
- 5.6 Lorig: Mind and Awareness
- 5.7 Three Principal Aspects of the Path
5.1 Maitreya
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 24 April 2011
Or view the video on the server at:
5.2 Venerable Thupten Rinpoche’s Life and Accomplishments
Venerable Thupten Rinpoche’s Life and Accomplishments
Teacher: Geshe Sangey Thinley
Year: 2011
Or view the video on the server at:
5.3 Sunday Meditation
Sunday Meditation Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 20 March 2011
Or view the video on the server at:
Sunday Meditation Part 2 – 30
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
5.4 Tenets
Tenets Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 28 March 2011
Or view the video on the server at:
Tenets Part 2 – 23
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
5.5 Lojong
Lojong Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 24 March 2011
Or view the video on the server at:
Lojong Part 2 – 11
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Part# | Date | Links to the videos |
Part 2 | 7 April 2011 | |
Part 3 | 21 April 2011 | |
Part 4 | 5 May 2011 | |
Part 5 | 23 June 2011 | |
Part 6 | 7 July 2011 | |
Part 7 | 21 July 2011 | |
Part 8 | 4 August 2011 | |
Part 9 | 18 August 2011 | |
Part 10 | 1 September 2011 | |
Part 11 | 15 September 2011 | |
5.6 Lorig: Mind and Awareness
Lorig: Mind and Awareness Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 31 March 2011
Or view the video on the server at:
Lorig: Mind and Awareness Part 2 – 11
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Part# | Date | Links to the videos |
Part 2 | 14 April 2011 | |
Part 3 | 28 April 2011 | |
Part 4 | 19 May 2011 | |
Part 5 | 14 July 2011 | |
Part 6 | 28 July 2011 | |
Part 7 | 11 August 2011 | |
Part 8 | 25 August 2011 | |
Part 9 | 8 September 2011 | |
Part 10 | 29 September 2011 | |
Part 11 | 20 October 2011 | |
5.7 Three Principal Aspects of the Path
Three Principal Aspects of the Path
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 21 March 2011
Or view the video on the server at:
2012 Teaching Index
6.1 Lamrim
Lamrim Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 18 March 2012
Or view the video on the server at:
Lamrim Part 2 – 28
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
6.2 Drupta (Buddhist tenets)
Drupta Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 19 March 2012
Or view the video on the server at:
Drupta Part 2 – 23
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
6.3 Mahamudra
Mahamudra Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 22 March 2012
Or view the video on the server at:
Mahamudra Part 2 – 26
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
2013 Teaching Index
7.1 Lamrim
Lamrim Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 21 April 2013
Or view the video on the server at:
Lamrim Part 2 – 14
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
7.2 Mahamudra
Mahamudra Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Date: 25 April 2013
Or view the video on the server at:
Mahamudra Part 2 – 13
Teacher: Geshe Jampa Tenzin
Part# | Date | Links to the videos |
Part 2 | 2 May 2013 | |
Part 3 | 9 May 2013 | |
Part 4 | 16 May 2013 | |
Part 5 | 23 May 2013 | |
Part 6 | 30 May 2013 | |
Part 7 | 20 June 2013 | |
Part 8 | 27 June 2013 | |
Part 9 | 4 July 2013 | |
Part 10 | 11 July 2013 | |
Part 11 | 21 August 2013 | |
Part 12 | 8 August 2013 | |
Part 13 | 15 August 2013 | |
Christchurch Teaching Index
8.1 Arya Nagarjuna’s Letter To A Friend
Arya Nagarjuna’s Letter to A Friend Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 28 March 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Back to Christchurch Teaching Index
Arya Nagarjuna’s Letter to A Friend Part 2 – 6
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Part# | Date | Links to the videos |
Part 2 | 17 April 2010 | |
Part 3 | 18 April 2010 | |
Part 4 | 15 May 2010 | |
Part 5 | 16 May 2010 | |
Part 6 | 16 May 2010 | |
Back to Christchurch Teaching Index
8.2 Venerable Lhagon Rinpoche
Venerable Lhagon Rinpoche
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 28 May 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Back to Christchurch Teaching Index
8.3 Earthquakes and Karma
Earthquakes and Karma
Teacher: Geshe Nyima Dorjee
Date: 5 September 2010
Or view the video on the server at:
Back to Christchurch Teaching Index
Teaching Archive Index
9.1 Wheel of Sharp Weapons
The Wheel of Sharp Weapons Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey
Date: 2 July 1983
Or view the video on the server at:
Back to Teaching Archive Index
The Wheel of Sharp Weapons Part 2 – 6
Teacher: Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey
Date: 2 July 1983
Back to Teaching Archive Index
9.2 Meditation
Meditation Part 1
Teacher: Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey
Date: Unknown
Or view the video on the server at:
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Meditation Part 2 – 60
Teacher: Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey
Date: Unknown
Back to Teaching Archive Index
9.3 Calm Abiding Meditation
Calm Abiding Meditation Part 1
Teacher: Thupten Rinpoche
Year: 2002
Or view the video on the server at:
Back to Teaching Archive Index
Calm Abiding Meditation Part 2 – 7
Teacher: Thupten Rinpoche
Year: 2002
Back to Teaching Archive Index
Sources of Information:
For More Interesting Links:
- Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey & essential teachings
- New Zealand TV reports Thupten Rinpoche’s death meditation
- His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang
- Brief Commentary on 50 Verses of Guru Devotion
- Books That Are A Must-Read!
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s biography
- Lord Tsongkapa, King of the Dharma
- Vows: The Roots of All Attainments
- 15 Reasons Why Meditation Will Make You Successful
- The Accidental Meditator
- Mantras – Holy Words of Power
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I always love and feel very inspired to read about high lamas and geshes. Especially Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey who went all the way to teach in New Zealand. It’s very interestting to read about his life overseas and love his works from previous article about Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey here..
Thank you Rinpoche and writers for this very impressive article on Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey. _/\_
The Dhargyey Buddhist Institute in Dunedin, New Zealand, and its affiliates are most fortunate that their founder, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey(a highly qualified Master and a Geshe Lharampa himself),had ensured that the teachings and initiations given here , were given by qualified teachers from well-known monastic institutions. This included his close students and high incarnate lamas, Venerable Jampa Thupten Rinpoche and Venerable Lhagon Rinpoche . This ensured that these teachings and initiations were pure and endowed with the blessings of the lineage masters .
The center and its affiliates have received teachings on various topics such as the Lamrim, Buddhist Tenets, Drupta, Lorig (Mind and Awareness), the Wheel of Sharp Weapons, Guided Meditation. “Realising that these precious teachings would benefit and plant the seeds of enlightenment in many people’s minds, the centres’ members have made many recording of these teachings available on their websites”!
Thank you, Rinpoche, for making some of the recorded teachings from selected periods
Heard quite a lot about Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, It is wonderful work by him and his students and affliated teachers that the dharma is growing in New Zealand.
New Zealand is famous for the All Blacks, kiwi birds, its pristine scenery and now it is beginning to be famous for the dharma also. So thats another thing that New Zealand is beginning to be known for.