Respects to Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche
One of the lamas who first recognised me as a tulku back in 1987 was His Eminence Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche. His Eminence is a world renown healing lama from Sera Monastery who now resides in Italy thanks to the ban on Dorje Shugden. Despite the obstacles, Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche has worked tirelessly for many decades to promote world peace and provide social services to the community. He has set up schools to provide education to the underprivileged, and clinics to provide medical assistance that is both based on Western and Eastern disciplines. Gangchen Rinpoche has met with various world leaders to establish initiatives that foster harmony, and also does pujas and rituals to stabilise and bless the environments.

Back in 1994, I had the great honour to host His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche in my house in Gaden Monastery
As some of you may know, I have many teachers who I am very devoted to. I don’t simply take teachings from anybody but Lama Gangchen, as His Eminence is also known, is one of the teachers I totally respect. So I have taken teachings from him in the past and consider him one of my gurus.
I recently sent some of my students to Gangchen Rinpoche’s centre in Albagnano, Italy. My students went to make offerings to Gangchen Rinpoche of some books, gifts and other items. I am told that Lama Gangchen was very happy to see them and granted them an audience of several hours. Our Kechara team updated Gangchen Rinpoche on our recent projects, and Gangchen Rinpoche looked at everything very closely and asked them many questions. My students also asked Rinpoche some questions on my behalf regarding certain practices, which Gangchen Rinpoche answered for them. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche is someone I respect very much and his healing works, writings, books and meditations have healed many people in the past and now. He is famed for having very powerful clairvoyance, visions and receives messages from dakinis. His messages from divine beings manifest in messages and also special healing meditations for disciples. It is very common for Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche to have powerful visions from various holy beings such as the various Buddhas and Dharma protectors as well.
I am very happy that my teacher rejoiced to see the works we are doing here in Kechara. It is a great blessing for us when we are able to please the mind of such a grand master. So I thank my students who went to Italy to update this old holy lama in this way. When Gangchen Rinpoche says he is pleased our works in Kechara are flourishing, it means we are definitely on the right track because a lama of Gangchen Rinpoche’s attainments is only pleased by activities that benefit others. Please enjoy these pictures below which my team took and which I share with you all here.
Tsem Rinpoche

His Eminence Gangchen Rinpoche is very devoted to Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden. Click on the image to get a closer look at the altar in Gangchen Ladrang's prayer hall

Some fruit offerings for Gangchen Rinpoche

Porcelain Amitayus statue that my Kechara students offered to Gangchen Rinpoche on my behalf. They also offered tsa tsas of the five forms of Dorje Shugden, Gyenze pendants, sacred texts and DVDs of our latest teachings

Our Kechara members Beng Kooi (white) and Pastor David Lai (maroon) making offerings to Gangchen Rinpoche on my behalf

My students tell me that Gangchen Rinpoche closely examined our Dorje Shugden tsa tsas and really liked them

Holy Gangchen Rinpoche taking a closer look at our Gyenze pendants

Gangchen Rinpoche examines one of the texts offered to him

My students tell me Gangchen Rinpoche was very happy to see them and receive their updates. He granted them an audience of many hours
My students tell me Gangchen Rinpoche was very happy to see them and receive their updates. He granted them an audience of many hours
Gangchen Rinpoche listened carefully to everything they showed him, including a video of His Eminence the 7th Panglung Kuten taking trance in Wisdom Hall, Kechara Forest Retreat
Gangchen Rinpoche really liked this photo of myself with Dorje Shugden in trance
Gangchen Rinpoche asked Beng Kooi and Karen to take a closer look at some of the items on his altar
We also asked Gangchen Rinpoche many questions about certain deities and their practices. Gangchen Rinpoche gave them pictures and much information
Beng Kooi explained to Gangchen Rinpoche my recent placards campaign
We requested Gangchen Rinpoche to bless some precious stones for us, and imbue them with healing properties which Gangchen Rinpoche kindly agreed to do
Gangchen Rinpoche recited prayers and even added his own items into our mix
Gangchen Rinpoche took special care with the Amitayus statue that we offered to him. Gangchen Rinpoche insisted that it be placed on the throne
Gangchen Rinpoche directed how the Amitayus statue should be placed on the throne
Kechara Pastor Jean Ai explains to Kechara and our departments to one of Gangchen Rinpoche's students Lama Caroline
Some of Gangchen Rinpoche's students going through prayers with our Kechara members
Our Kechara members Karen Chong (left), Pastor Khong Jean Ai (centre) and Pastor David Lai take a photo outside Gangchen Ladrang with the beautiful Italian view
Gangchen Rinpoche was very affectionate with one of my assistants Beng Kooi, who has visited Gangchen Rinpoche on many occasions to update him on our works in Malaysia
Our Kechara students Beng Kooi, Pastor David, Pastor Jean Ai and Karen with Gangchen Rinpoche and one of his close students
Our Kechara students with Lama Caroline who, on Gangchen Rinpoche's request, took the time to explain many practices to them. Thank you Lama Caroline
Karen, Beng Kooi, Pastor Jean Ai and Pastor David with Tiziana who does many of Gangchen Rinpoche's audio works. I am told Tiziana has a very beautiful singing voice
Beng Kooi, Karen, Pastor Jean Ai and Pastor David with Diane who moved from Los Angeles to serve Gangchen Rinpoche
Gangchen Rinpoche addressing a group of students who had gathered for a Guhyasamaja retreat
Gangchen Rinpoche offering a khata and gifts to Beng Kooi
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It was H E Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche that first recognised our Guru Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche as a tulku back in 1987. Lama Gangchen Tulku Rinpoche was an important Tibetan Italian lama of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism. He was the last generation of lamas from the ‘old Tibet’. At a young age he was recognised as the reincarnation of the lama healer Kachen Sapen. He was a direct disciple of the greatest lamas of the Gelugpa school of the twentieth century, such as Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, who taught him Tibetan medicine, healing methods and astrology. He worked tirelessly as a spiritual teacher and healer. He travelled tremendously throughout India, Nepal, Sikkim, Europe and finally settled in Italy. Lama Gangchen has travelled extensively ,providing healing and gave teachings worldwide. He has also led many pilgrimages to some of the most important holy places of different religious and spiritual denominations in the world. He founded numerous centres all over the world. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche has worked tirelessly for many decades to promote world peace and had received many awards and recognitions for his work. Lama Gangchen will remain in the hearts of all those who met him as a teacher of great love and profound wisdom.
Years back our Guru Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche did sent students to Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche ’s centre in Albagnano, Italy with many offerings and updating projects of Kechara as well.
Thank you Rinpoche for this great sharing
Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche is also one of my favorite Lama. Could feel his powerful strong healing energy by just one look on his pictures. How wonderfully fortunate for Tsem Rinpoche to be able to have Gangchen Rinpoche as one your your teacher. 🙏Hope Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche next incarnation will return soon to heal the lay people who are suffering. Thank you very much Rinpoche for this wonderful short sharing and beautiful precious photos. 🙏😘👍👏🌈
Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche was a Tibetan-Italian lama of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, well respected Lama known to be a powerful healer who had saved countless lives. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche was also renowned for his full accomplishment of the Medicine Buddha practice. The blessed healing pills and waters created by Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche are highly sought. He had travelled tremendously giving teachings and healing thousands of people. Thousands of people will come from far and near to receive his blessings. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche was a Tantric master of the Yamantaka, Guhyasamaja, Heruka and Vajrayogini Tantras, known for his mastery of the Kalachakra Tantras. The blessed healing pills and waters created by Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche are highly sought after for healing illnesses.
Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche’s kindness, compassion and continuous effort to promote the growth of the Buddhadharma were well respected by many even to this day. For many decades Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche has worked tirelessly, promoting world peace , helping the underprivileged, and so forth.
Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche was one of the lamas who first recognised Tsem Rinpoche as a tulku . Tsem Rinpoche since then had always respected Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche as one of his teacher. Tsem Rinpoche had sent students to Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche ’s centre in Albagnano, Italy with offerings such as books, gifts, other items, updating recent projects of Kechara as well. Rejoice to those went there.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post with beautiful pictures .
Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche is a great lama, with great knowledge and incredible healing abilities, who has benefited thousands around the world. He is one brave Lama going against the odds and is the model of true guru devotion. Having kept his religious commitments received from one’s sacred lineage master. Well respected by many for his abilities in healing thousands of people. He has travelled extensively, both healing and teaching worldwide.
He is one teacher whom Tsem Rinpoche respected and has sent his student on his half to updates all about Kechara, and make offerings such as Amitayus statue, Gyenze pendants, texts, and so forth to him. Looking at those pictures tells a thousand words and the smiles on Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche tells us all.
Thank you for this sharing.
1997 in Malaysia. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and Tsem Rinpoche.
Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche was born in western Tibet in 1941 and was recognised at an early age to be a reincarnate Lama healer . Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche has tremendous healing powers and his line of incarnations are known to be powerful healers. Thousands of people around the world has benefited with his great knowledge and incredible healing abilities. Well respected by many for his abilities and has been actively working for peace worldwide in many different ways He is one of the lamas who first recognised our Guru as a tulku back in 1987. He is one of the teacher whom Rinpoche respected and devoted to.
It is truly wonderful and a great blessing for the group of Kecharians visiting on Rinpoche’s behalf in Italy to update Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche of Kechara and to make offerings to him of some books, gifts and other items. Seeing Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche truly is healing.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these beautiful pictures of the Kecharians’s visits which is a life time memories for them. May Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche works further grow and may his aspirations come true.
By the strong connection with Gangchen Rinpoche, it instilled faith in me that we are so blessed to have H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche with us. Namaste!
Lama Gancghen is one of the coolest lamas, may he carry on turning on the wheel of dharma. To me he is like Medicine Buddha healing minds and bodies of people.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank You for the wonderful news. It is good to see these pictures with H.E. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche who is clearly pleased which Rinpoche’s work and devoted students.
What a honour and blessing to receive the precious stones with H.E. Gangchen’s blessing and healing properties!
Dorje Shugden is known all over the world and benefits many – how can such high Lamas be tricked by a spirit – how could their work florish ?
May the ban on the Buddha of Wisdom Dorje Shugden come down so that many more can benefit!
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the memorable photos of our Kechara Team visiting H.E. Kyabje Ganchen Rinpoche on your behalf in Italy.
We are truly glad that H.E. Kyabje Ganchen Rinpoche is pleased with the progress of Kechara here in Malaysia to spread dharma and to promote awareness to lift the ban of the practice of Dorje Shugden by the Dalai Lama.
With the blessing of H.E. Kyabje Ganchen Rinpoche ,we hope in the near future ,more people could benefit from the practice of Dorje Shugden when the ban is lifted worldwide….
Excellent work.
Its marvelleous to see H.E. Kyabje Ganchen Rinpoche looking so wonderfully good. His eminence is course one of the teachers whom our Tsem Tulku Rinpoche considers with great respect as one of his Gurus. Ganchen Rinpoche is famed and well known for having very powerful clairvoyance, visions and he respects very much Ganchen’s meditational healing works too. Our Rinpoche sent his students to update his Guru in Italy about our Kechara’s status in Malaysia; Ganchen seems very pleased with Kechara’s good progress, which shows we are definetly on the right track! This inspiring feedback made our Guru very delighted and happy too, for such results of feedback comes from a high guru whom he believes has very special powerful visions from various holy beings and Dharma protectors, for which we will be well blessed! Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.
I am very humbled to see such great masters connecting. May the dharma flourish worldwide. Thank you to the team, and thank you rinpoche for sharing such good news. I am but a mere nothing in the infinite samsara, but seeing posts like this gives me hope.
Really blessed to see these photos. Thank you Rinpoche.
Beautiful pictures and update. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing. It so lovely to see H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche and even better to know he is pleased with all of our works. I love his altar, although it is so jam packed it looks like every nook and corner is covered and imbued with Buddhas’ magical energies and blessings.
Just from these pictures I can see that H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche holds Rinpoche very close and dear because everything that Rinpoche wishes, whether it is an update to Gangchen Rinpoche, picture, request to bless items or gifts to Gangchen Rinpoche, he receives them with warmth and delight, he listens carefully and pays full attention. He would even place the Amitayus gifted to him on the same throne as H.H. Trijang Rinpoche… allowing us to collect much merits! Thank you to the team who went there to update H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche, hope we will one day meet H.E. Gangchen Rinpoche again.
Dear Tsen Rinpoche and fortunate students, thank you for charing those precious moments. May you have a long and healthy life and continuously and successfully flourish on spreading the Dharma. To the perfect Budha, the all accomplished one, my beloved root guru Lama Gangchen, may you have a long, a very long, an extremely long and healthy life. May I and those that wish, accumulate the merits to be reborn at your holy feet until we attain the state of Buddha hood and so, be able to liberate other beings from Samsara. May all be auspicious, now and forever !
Forgive me , I wrote Tsem Rinpoche, but some how it got published Tsen Rinpoche. Thank you.