Question asked by A
I have imaginative thinking, and I kept talking to myself based on what I think. I would like to stop it because it has become habitual. I heard on rinpoche videos on mantra it says that mantra can clear obstcle in a basic level. I really wanted to know is there any short mantra that it suitable for me to recite to stop this kind of problem. People start thinking I am crazy when I do that, it is just so hard to control. By the way I have also seen some Taoist deity when I was young until now, I have ate some Taoist fu that they gave, would it be the side effect? Because in rinpoche video I have understood that some trans are not real. They might be some spiritual being in disguse.
Thank you in advanced
Dear A,
The untamed mind is always chasing after thoughts. To overcome your problem, you need to develop mindfulness. Develop a habit of watching your mind. When you find yourself chasing after thoughts and talking to yourself, stop immediately and focus on what you are doing. You could be driving or doing some daily chore. Just concentrate on your actions and don’t day-dream.
Reciting mantras can help one to focus and develop concentration. While reciting a mantra, you must recite each syllable clearly. Do not let your mind wander. Recite with a pure state of mind, free from non-virtuous discursive thoughts. If you find your mind wandering, bring it back to focus on the mantra. Keep doing this until you can recite from start to finish without being distracted by thoughts. In your case, you can recite Lord Manjushri’s mantra: OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI.
Do not worry about the Taoist fu. Take refuge in the Three jewels and practise Dharma well. Attend Dharma classes and pujas.