Question asked by A.William
Why wont the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas do some divine intervention to stop all the cruelty that is happening in the world?
If only their presence are made known and miracles are done, wont people stop fighting in the name of religion and embrace Buddhism?
Zionist are slaughtering people in large scale now in Palestine, why is this allowed to continue? why doesn't the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors came to help when no humans wish to help their own kind? why wont Buddhas make their presence known and stop the war?
Dear A.William,
You have brought up a very powerful question and one that is not easily answered. As much as the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would like to miraculously stop wars and bloodshed immediately but miracles cannot stop the machination of karma. The law of cause and effect cannot be undone by the Buddha. The Buddha can only point the way with his teachings and he said this himself. It is through the teachings that provides a lasting solution to aggression and violence.
You must also remember that one needs to have the karma to be saved or assisted by the Buddha. You may think that the Buddha had remained in blissful indifference but the truth is that he and other similar beings like him have emanated into various great charismatic teachers and humanitarian figures. The Buddha does not need to be a Buddhist or appear in a form that we may be familiar but appear in a form that is in accordance to our karma to assist. The Buddha may appear as ordinary beings in order to save and assist people.
Hence, many great Buddhist masters who are popularly known as great emanations of Bodhisattvas like the Dalai Lama are actively meeting people, sharing teachings, spread the message of peace and also planting innumerable powerful ‘karmic seeds’ into everyone (whether we realize it or not) he meets so these beings will eventually be able to be assisted by the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas. This may take many lifetimes but as long as the seed is planted, it will eventually come to maturity in a future lifetime that they may practice the Dharma, enter onto a spiritual path. I hope this answers your question.