Question asked by Anonymous
At page 410 of "Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand" is written: "in order to gain a human rebirth in a future life, you must definitely take vows and then maintain ethics. If you do not, and merely practice generosity, say, you may be reborn as an animal, a naga, for instance". I want to take Refuge and Refuge vows but I have no simple way to do it, there is no Dharma center near and after contacting a center where I thought I'd travel to do it, I was told that I can't do it unless I know a Lama well, but there are no resident Teachers, so while I understand it's important, it is almost impossible for me to know them well, the place is far and Teachers not always there. The point is: I will keep trying, but I may never have the chance to know a Lama well therefore I may never have the chance to take Refuge and Refuge vows. Can you please explain that quote from the book? Am I really destined to a lower realm only for being unable to take vows? Am I misunderstanding when it says "definitely"? I hope so.
I am not telling this to brag but merely to explain: I became vegetarian the very first day I heard Dharma words from a video teaching on the internet, instantly in that moment, and I never looked back because a lot in me changed in that moment; I find hard to believe that someone who gains some small insight, starts developing some real compassion and some sense of personal responsibility for oneself and others, and then practices accordingly from the heart, is destined to lower realms for lack of vows. It seems also illogical for what I know of karma and intention. I hope I misunderstood the quote.
I am very far from being a perfect practitioner, I'm only human, I have such longest way to go but I try to do my best and if I read that book is because I want to improve; I thought that being sincere and trying to transform my mind was enough to walk this path. Do you have any advice for anyone who is committed to Dharma in their heart but unable to officially and formally commit to the Buddhist path in front of a Lama? What can I do? Or what should I do? And what about good people who are compassionate, kind or generous but do not practice any religion? Are they all destined to lower realms? Sorry for the many questions and thanks so much for your help and guidance!
Dear Anonymous,
The main cause of human rebirth is the practice of moral discipline.Taking vows is a measure of one’s determination and sincerity to ensure we do not stray from our practice to achieve the intended results.If you can sincerely practice the refuge instructions even if you did not take Refuge from a Lama , you will receive the same protective results although receiving blessings from a Lama will make it easier for us to practice.
All the 10 refuge vows and 5 precepts support the development of love and compassion for others. If we understood the harm of stealing, why would we not take a vow not to steal express our determination ? It is the same reason why you become vegetarian.If we do not take vows, it implies the opposite or that we are not sure.
To address your last para, the question is not just about doing good and not causing harm, but how well we can do it without personal agenda or ulterior motives. A virtuous action that can protect us from going down has to be very pure. Simply doing a good deed is not enough although it is better than harming. We need to acquire knowledge, and undergo training with qualified teachers to ensure when we do something good it is completely without selfishness and have true merit.