Question asked by Argh! Please advise…
Dear Rinpoche, I pray that you are always happy and inspiring more people to take up dharma practice. Just have one question on advising senior members of the family. How do we go about in advising elderly (esp in taking medication) without being breaking our fillial and piety vows? Sometimes it is just to hard to make them understand that their life is so much beautiful if they are healthy and could benefit so many ppl if they are in good shape by helping those who need help..Please advise on what we can do as their "frusty" children to tenderly taking care of these lovely parents.. : p
Dear Argh, You have to use whatever methods available to you for caring for the elderly. When they are being difficult and you use various means to help them, you are not being disrespectful because your motivation is to help. Keep it up …..keep up the service to the elderly memebers of your family. TR