Question asked by Bahvisha
Hello pastors,
I have realized time by time that my speech is really impure and i have tons of regrets of just what i say. So, from here I got saraswati mantra and do 2 mala everyday which is allowed to do without initiation. Surprisingly
i have got great mind realization and it's just transforming my life and everyday her mantra soothe my mind. But i haven't seen any great changes in my speech but major effects on my mind. Would u suggest any deity and mantra of one which is specialized for Purification of speech and can do without initiation?
Any deity who is buddha of specially speech?
Thank you
Dear Bahvisha,
Thank you for your question. Purification of negative karma will not lead to a positive transformation in and of itself. That requires conscious effort and transformation. What you are feeling in your mind due to the mantra recitation is the calming effects of the mantra, and because you are chanting regularly, you are starting to develop spiritual concentration.
Transformation on the other hand is a conscious choice, effort has to be put into it. Our speech comes from our mind, what we say, how we say it, etc, is thought of in the mind first, only then do we say it. So body, speech and mind are interlinked, they are not thought of as separate in and of themselves when talking about purification.
All purification methods with help to purify the negative karma related to all three – body, speech and mind. However, some methods will work better at purifying the negative karma associated with one of them faster than another. For example, prostrations is very well-know for purifying karma of the body, but it also definitely purifies speech and mind karma as well.
Hence any purification method can help with purification of negative speech karma, but that purification will not necessarily help to improve your speech, because that is a very conscious effort that we need to make, not something that a mantra can magically grant us. The purification of negative karma can help make that transformation easier, however, we have to put in our own effort.
You can engage in any of the purification methods, such as Vajrasattva, 35 Confessional Buddhas, etc., in order to purify speech karma (and also body and mind karma).
I’m not sure from which tradition you received the Saraswati mantra, but here is a Buddhist mantra of Saraswati that you can recite: OM SARASIDDHI HRING HRING. It can be done without intiaition also, no problem.
Saraswati is a very powerful practice, in fact it was one of the practice that Lama Tsongkhapa, the founder of our lineage, relied heavily upon. He even wrote praises to Saraswati. One of the short praises can be found here:
I hope this helps. Thank you.