Question asked by Benny Leo
Halo Pastor, Warm greetings ? I have problem with spiritual life, i could feel anything like spiritual spirit follow me and disturbing me.. I do meditation often and do some prayer , on my meditation when the light comes out so brightly can make me feel good to clean up the bad spirit (Black like cloud or ashes, black blob) that often comes on my meditation, i can feel He/she feel angry, and when the angry energi comes, it realy affected me.. i could know Different between me and the spirit… I tried meditation use dorje shugdn mantra and for awhile the light comes to me so brightly but sometmies the angry also appeared… i feel so confuse and i did prayer merits(offering) ritual and mantra like theravada Ettavata and often offering Metta to the bad spirit that affected my life, the spirit often make me blanks and so strong… I think my life like controlled by something that i dont realy want to, im jobless now… and i realy like to removed it from my life, i hv no house to do prayers, i did meditation in Monastery… How to do to cut this bond.. . Thankyou ?????
Dear Benny Leo,
Thank you for your question. I am sorry to read that are going through such problems with spirit disturbances. What you are going through can be very emotional but it is important not to let the emotions get the better of you and instead keep your mind as stable as possible. In cases of spirit disturbances, when you get over emotional, this allows a spirit who wants to disturb you, more of a chance to do so. One of the ways malevolent spirits try to secure their hold on you is to make you more upset emotionally. This in turn weakens you spiritually, and makes you more open to be disturbed.
If you are suffering from spirit disturbances, this is due to karma. In the past, most probably in one of your previous lives, you would have interacted and created some form of karma. This manifests as the spirit and you having a connection in this life. In the cases of spirit disturbances, this connection opens up in a negative manner. Therefore, since the problem is due to karma, the way to cure or solve the problem is to purify the karma that connects the two of you together.
The recitation of prayers and mantras to certain deities, such as Dorje Shugden, Sengdongma, Dukkar, Medicine Buddha, and various other Buddhas has the specific benefits of purifying this karma, and generating merit that can overcome spirit disturbances. Therefore engaging in such practices is very beneficial.
The practice of Dorje Shugden is excellent for this and I have personally known people who have spirit disturbances that have benefited greatly from the practice. One of Dorje Shugden’s five forms, known as Trakze, is extremely powerful for overcoming spirit disturbances and providing spiritual protection. His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche has a taught the practice, which you can find here:
You can study this teaching, and begin reciting the prayers and mantras with the accompanying visualisations in order to help you during this difficult situation. You should try to engage in the practice every day and focus on the mantra recitation and visualisations. This can definitely help you if you continue on a daily basis. I hope this helps.
Thank you.