Question asked by bhavisha
Namo Buddhaya,
This reply is related to my question on january 26 with name bhavisha.
here, is the link where rinpoche said 'manjushri helps temperarily'. its very short.
video title is ' how manjushri protects us'. its 7.21 minutes only.
also on january 25 Naina asked question. that person is also me. i used alternative name because of the strange situation but as you said didi to me and in my wonder also remember me i am telling this now.
Because of purification my inner condition was really really hard to bear. i am not person who easily quit but that day i quit by surrendering holy mother Kali as i see her as my dharma protector. i didnt know at that time that dharma protectors help. i dont know what she has done to me , i stated process again in 1 or 2 days after quitting , you see even day i dont remember, she helped and the whole effect inside i had because of purification has just vanished, in my double wonders , every day in the morning i just feel really drawn to do process and i feel so satisfied and calm. now i want to do more malas but i dont have that much time. hahahaha.i read on your website somewhere that in tibetian buddhism they have also deity name Kali. i want her photo in tibetian style if you have. i am very greatful. for inspiration of others i really wanted to share how Manjushri, mother Kali and father vajrasattva chose me and i didnt choose them but these are long stories. if your website can have that type of section where people can share stories of deities , that how they helps, do wonders, shower blessings, this can inspire more people towards dharma. but that's my kind suggetion only. i am greatful.
Dear Bhavisha didi,
Thank you replying. I will answer in two parts:
1. I know the teachings that you are refering to in which Tsem Rinpoche said that Manjushri helps us “temporarily” and what he meant. Basically, Manjushri helps to get a clear mind so that when we are able to learn and understand the Dharma, we can transform ourselves to be better people and ultimately progress on the spiritual path. In the case of being temporary, this is because as Rinpoche mentioned, it is a method for us to develop a clear mind. If we don’t use our clear mind to transform ourselves, which will stabilise and increase Manjushri’s ability to help us, we have not used his blessings to the fullest potential. If we don’t progress on our spiritual path ourselves to a certain level, we will end up creating more negative karma and obscurations, which will lead our mind to become unclear, unfocused, again. So that is the reason why Rinpoche may have refered to it as temporary, because Rinpoche was emphasising that it is through own effort that we actually transform. Manjushri helps us to do that.
2. Kalidevi is known as the protectress Palden Lhamo in Tibetan Buddhism. You can read about her here: She is seen as an emanation of Saraswati within Buddhist belief. She also have a very strong link to Kali Ghat Temple, and many Tibetan Buddhists go to visit the temple every year to make prayers. Understanding about Palden Lhamo is slightly different from the Hindu understanding. But Tsem Rinpoche always used to tell me that they are actually one and the same. Sometimes, understanding about Palden Lhamo can be a little confusing for someone from an Indian Hindu background as she is also known as Shri Devi, which is a name for Lakshmi in Hinduism. Actually the goddess Lakshmi also exists in Tibetan Buddhism, where her name is Pel Lhamo.
Palden Lhamo/Kalidevi is a very powerful Dharma Protector. Tsem Rinpoche has a close connection to Palden Lhamo from a very young age.
I hope this helps your understanding. And thank you for your suggestion. They Buddhas do help us in amazing ways. I’m glad to read that things are going better for you now.