Question asked by Bhavisha
Hello pastor,
What we should do when Karma follows?
I am getting the type of behavior from someone which is about of like I am not good enough and valued, it's really hateful, resistance full to my being and easy going.
Which I believe I have done in the past with someone. It's really regretful. Is there anyway ?
Thank you
Dear Bhavisha,
Karma will always follow us, it’s just if we are experiencing the results now or not. Situations in life, whether positive or negative are always caused by karma because we are in samsara. When we are going through negative experiences, we can engage in certain pujas or practices to help solve the issues created by that karma.
One very powerful way to overcome negative situations is by doing Dharma Protector pujas or practices. If I remember correctly, you are already doing Dharma protector practice. So make more offerings on your altar and recite more mantra. Ask the particular Dharma protector to help you solve the issue. Don’t have expectations on how this issue will be solved, simply ask the protector to help with the issue. Alternatively, you can sponsor pujas to get rid of obstacles created because of our negative karma:
You can also engage in purification practices, these are specific practices to purify negative karma. You can read about two practices in the links below:
35 Confessional Budhas:
(If you want to practice this one, you visualise Vajrasattva without his consort. Only those with initiation should visualise him with his consort)
Thank you and I hope this helps!