Question asked by bry
Dear pastors, I have a lot of Buddha statues at home as well as feng shui objects. I always put mantras inside my statues for i believe that these will empower the aura of the statues. However, i read that it will become more powerful if i will consecrate the mantras written on yellow rolled paper. How can I consecrate my mantra rolls and statues? Are there ways for me to do it? there are not that much Buddhist temple in my place. Can I do it on my own? Thank you so much pastor.
Dear Bry,
Kechara House has a department called “Kechara Saraswati Arts” (KSA) where one can have mantras inserted into statues. Consecration of the statues can also be done in Kechara House. Please contact the Kechara Front Desk for more information: +60378033908. You can find out more about the services available in Kechara Saraswati Arts from our website: There is also an article on KSA in this blog which may be of interest to you: