Question asked by Cameron
Hello, I am a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for 5 years now. I am 27; in the last four years I have been suffering from sever spirit harm. It started with me not recovering from knee surgery, then I couldn't move my shoulder well. After class one day, my qigong teacher had something important to tell me: that I had many foreign spirits holding onto my body; explaining that this technique to read energy fields had been passed down. Though the situation improved for awhile doing Buddhist practice, it worsened for several years. At times, my body would go into spontaneous paralysis and I wouldn't be able to move. Or I would wake up fully conscious and not be able to move my body for several minutes despite all my best efforts.
I have received transmission of the full Sengdongma practice from a lama and I am doing Guru Rinpoche practice as well as Ngondra practice. I have experienced good results. I have transferred merits to the foreign spirits by reciting thousands of Great Compassion mantra, Heart Sutra, etc. I have had other Buddhist temples transfer merits to them on my behalf. Unfortunately, I still have many foreign spirits around. One Buddhist monk I've seen says eventually spirits will leave, that what comes in must go out….Thoughts?
Dear Cameron,
When “bad” things happen on the path, we must regard them as good signs because we are purifying our negative karma.
The practices that you are doing are all good and if you do them diligently with bodhicitta motivation, you will be able to expiate your karma with the spirits.
Besides the outer practices, your inner transformation is crucial. It is important to develop loving kindness and compassion towards others, including the spirits. As Buddhists, we should know that whatever we are experiencing now are the results of good and bad actions from the past. Just as we had the power to create our own problems, we also have the power to overcome them. The way to have peace and happiness is to cultivate virtues. As H.E. Tsem Rinpoche has advised, we must pursue our spirituality with wisdom, patience and knowledge. May all your wishes be fulfilled.