Question asked by Chandra
Dear Rinpoche, I have awfully low confidence in speaking English to ''English'' people.I am not confident then I can't even think logically and smartly. I know I have some weird projection that I am not good enough or something or perhaps lazy? I was schooled in India so I think I'm not like them and can't speak like them. Have you any suggestions for me to have confidence in my thoughts
Dear Chandra,
Many great things were created in the Non-English speaking peoples of the world. No need to feel bad.
If English is so important to your self esteem, you should go and study English and master it. Don’t think of learning English because you are inferior, but like any self-esteem issue, if we improve what is lowering our self-esteem the issue will disappear. I wish that very much for you. Thank you.
I wish you luck.
Tsem Rinpoche