Question asked by Chen Ping
Dear pastor
I am attending a dharma centre of gelugpa lineage and is v comfortable there. However I took refuge with tsem tulku rinpoche last Vesak day out of deep respect for him after listening to his teachings. is there any issue or conflict that I still attend my dharma centre ( not in Malaysia).
Whatever I do I always dedicate my prayers to rinpoche for his good health and for his dharma activities to grow.
Rinpoche has students all over the world and keeps connected with Rinpoche through online teachings which are made available. They also keeps close to the progress and works on the Kechara organization as it is an extension of Rinpoche’s works. Therefore as students of Rinpoche who have received teachings, we take upon ourselves to support our Guru’s works as we have benefitted much from other’s kindness from the organization.
Rinpoche has foreign students who come to malaysia and stay for a few weeks each year to volunteer in the organization. We encourage all our students to follow the guidance of one teacher. The reason being if we have many teachers who are all very good, the question is can we practice all and master the teachings from all the different teachers. There is no conflict or issue with all the teachers…but more so ourselves as practitioners.