Question asked by Chris Anton
Dear Rinpoche,
Could you please explain why the Buddhist teachings never seem to address the question of how the fundamental ignorance (avidhya)appeared in the first place. From what I understand, this issue is either dismissed as an idle question (the parable of the man hit by a poisonous arrow) or is regressed ad infinitum from previous life to previous life, sort of turtles all the way down. In my opinion, a problem cannot be fully remedied unless its fundamental cause is fully understood.
Dear Chris,
At our level all fundamental causes cannot be understood. We have to accept that for now. Understanding the timelessness, and the infinitude of a mind is beyond our comprehension for the moment.
What is important is not to stand at the shore of Japan gazing across the pacific looking for the coast of California. We will never see it no matter how much it is described to us. Right now deal and learn with what is in front of you, master it and then move onto to the next level. When that is done, then gradually you will be able to perceive what was at first the unperceivable or infinitude.
Only on the third watch and fourth watch of the night was the historical Buddha able to perceive all causes and it’s inter-relatedness as it was too infinite. Too far back.
I hope this helps.