Question asked by Claire S
Rinpoche, I have 3 teenage children who are really growing up way too fast. Children today are exposed to so much information through media, internet, etc. And I know that there is no stopping them, the more I stop them the more intrigue I create in their minds. I feel that starting them on a spiritual path now will instill good foundation in their minds to not go down the path of wrong views. What is the best way to start them in a way that will interest them? Please give me your kind advice. Thank you Rinpoche for your precious time.
Dear Claire S,
Good question. I agree with everything you say. From my experience among the many parents who are my students, many of their children are growing up to do dharma also. The reason is as they were growing up, they observe their parents genuinely doing dharma and transforming. The parents who really practice dharma and transform have tremendous impact on their children. It is beyond a doubt. There are always exceptions but I am saying for the majority.
I am sorry to say, but I also have parents who the children are very difficult and the funny thing is, the parents themselves are difficult people who find it hard to transform or do more in the dharma. Even the parents who do dharma, but have not really transformed, but their dharma is mechanical or at their convenience, it is very hard for them, because they are the ones with children who create problems for them…I am really telling you what I observe so many times over the years…. I noticed very clearly that our children REALLY WATCH WHAT WE DO AND SAY. They may not register everything at the moment, but as they mature, they will digest everything they have seen and put it to use… So if we want our children to become spiritual it is most important we start from ourselves and be excellent examples. From observation of many years, this is a very big key factor. I wish your children will grow up to be beneficial and very spiritual people..that is the best gift from parent to child. If they are spiritual and practice, then even after a parent’s death, they will be ok…and that is what every parent would want for their children to be ok. For them to be ok, the parent must practice dharma sincerely and show transformation….I wish you tremendous luck… Tsem Rinpoche
Please take a read about kids and parents I wrote up here: